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[Transform] Rotating an object with an out of center child changes the p...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 'Rotate' 2. Open the available scene 3. Rotate the objects 1-6 in the scene view an... Read more
Initializing const with non constant variables throws error message but ...
1. Open my attached project 2. Open bug.unity scene. Notice Unhnandled exception error message popping in console. 3. Try to doub... Read more
[Multiple] Sliced sub-sprites aren't renamed when main sprite asset is r...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. In project tab, notice "Light" sprite 3. Expand it and notice multiple... Read more
GameView error message when using high resolution (>4096x4096)
Error message when exceeding maximum resolution should include that OpenGL ES 2 simulation is the cause (using no emulation shows no... Read more
OpenGLCore does not support scale in shaders when applied on Skinned Mes...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attach project and "BrokenScaleMatrix" scene in it. 2. Compare two characters and notice downscaled c... Read more
[Networking] Enabling "reliable fragmented" for channel 0 causes clients...
Reproduction steps: ----------------------------- 1) Open user's project "MultiPlayerTest" 2) Build scene "Scene" for standalone 3) ... Read more
[SkinnedMesh] Runtime modifying skinned mesh w/ GPU Skinning on crashes
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached project "" 2. Open scene "scenes/main" 3. Make sure GPU Skinning ... Read more
Recording a rotation using the gizmo resets the object rotation values t...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the available scene 3. Select the '2' gameobject in the Hierarchy 4. Open t... Read more
Mesh changes poses and models when dragged around
Reproduction steps: ------------------------ 1) Open user's project 'DepthColor' 2) Open scene 'Poses' 3) Move around one of the mes... Read more
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- The Blackboard scrolls to the top and generates an artifact when duplicating Attributes when the Blackboard has been scrolled down and the Custom Attributes list is expanded
- The Blackboards Attribute list scrolls down to the bottom and the Custom Attributes list is not expanded when duplicating Built-In Attributes and the Custom Attributes list is collapsed
- Right-click context menu in Visual Effects Graph window is offset
- Sprite applies the Material settings only when the "Mask Interaction" field inside the Sprite Renderer component is updated
- Texture becomes static when the "Exposed" parameter in the Node Settings is disabled