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[LWRP] Directional Light Culling Masks don't work properly
SRP Repo: Issue #1019 In LWRP: If you make a scene with objects set to two different layers and then make two directional lights se... Read more
ReferenceOutputAssembly key is set to false in project references
Steps: 1. Set External Tools to Visual Studio 2017 in Unity Editor 2. Open attached project 3. Double-click on any script in Assets ... Read more
Editor crashes on "GfxDeviceD3D12Base::DrawBuffersCommon" when selecting...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "ReproProj" project 2. In the Project window, click on the "Assets/MI_Light_01" material ... Read more
[Android] The Player crashes when the project with
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "ReproProj" 2. Open the “/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene 3. Switch to An... Read more
[Android] [iOS] [UnityWebRequest] Requests with "UnityWebRequest" are op...
How to reproduce: 1. Set up a Web debugging Proxy application (more information in the comments) 2. Set up the test device with th... Read more
[Quest 2] 2022.2 is slower than 2021.3 when built on Quest 2
Reproduction steps: 1. Open Oculus Developer Hub, go to the Device Manager tab, and install OVR Metrics 2. Turn on Metrics Hud 3.... Read more
Lighting generation freezes the Editor during the Global Illumination Po...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the “Lightest” project 2. Open the “SampleScene“ 3. Open the Lighting window (Window → Rendering → Ligh... Read more
Unable to build asset bundle when using CalculateSceneDependencyData() m...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the “TestProject-With-AssetBundleBug” Project 2. Open the “Assets/Investments/01_OlimpiaPort.unity” Scen... Read more
The first Keyboard Input is Ignored and stored for later when renaming A...
To reproduce: 1. Download the attached project "New Unity" and open it in Unity 2. In Project view create a Folder or a... Read more
Raycasts hit the second layer of the Mesh Collider when the first layer ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the "SampleScene" Scene in the attached "" Project 2. Select "TestMesh" and click on the ... Read more
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- Input from the "Backslash" key is not detected in the Web Player when using the Japanese 106/109 key keyboard
- High "Total" value of the "TerrainManager.CullAllTerrains" when generating terrain
- UI Layout rebuild triggered by a rounding error when using TextMesh Pro
- Sprite Shape Corners and Edges are invisible when a closed Sprite Shape is used
- Script icon Gizmos cause lag/performance issues in Scene view even when the Scene Camera is not pointed at Gizmos