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Tile Palette Active Tilemap list shows layers with inactive GameObjects
Steps: 1. Open attached project ("") 2. Open Scene "SampleScene" 3. Make GameObject/GameObject1 inactive 4. Open Wi... Read more
Texture2D.GenerateAtlas causes huge memory leaks and freezing when enter...
To reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project, scene SampleScene 2. Enter Play mode 3. Observe memory leaking in any monitoring tool... Read more
After creating Assembly Definition file can't reference XR.AR libraries
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Import AR Foundation package from Package Manager 3. Create a new C# script in any folder 4... Read more
[Android] [UI] Buttons with TextMesh Pro does not render text in Android...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. Build it to Android device ( need to have iOS support installed as well) 3. Notice in ... Read more
[UWP] [IL2CPP] Runtime failure on call to Windows.Storage.Streams.GetRes...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. Switch platform to UWP 3. Build project on IL2CPP backend 4. Open VS solution 5.... Read more
Unity crashes when using Legacy Runtime
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open supplied project Expected: no crash Actual: crash Reproduced in: 2018.3.0a10, 2018.3.0b3, 2019.1.0a2 N... Read more
Game View and Editor visibly drops in performance while scrolling throug...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the project attached by the user ( 2. Open the "Done_Main" Scene 3. Open the Inspector Window, ... Read more
[Android] Build and run fails to install an application on a device with...
Reproduction steps: 1) Create a new project or open any existing one 2) Try to build a project on any device with Android 4.1 -- Not... Read more
[UI] Progressive CPU Lightmapper is named as 'Progressive' in the Lighti...
Steps to repro: 1. Create new project in Unity 2018.3; 2. Open Lighting window (Window>Rendering>Lighting Settings); 3. Expand the ... Read more
[Android] Editor doesn't show that pushing built apps to Android 4.1 is ...
Reproductions steps: 1) Create a new project or open any existing one 2) Click on "Build and run" button and run the app on Android ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Crash on PrepareDrawShadowsCommandStep1 when entering the Play Mode in a specific project
- Physics Layer Collision Matrix's Layer names, checkboxes and hover highlights become misaligned when the Editor's UI Scaling gets changed
- Light/shadow information on an edge of a Terrain tile creates a seam with an adjacent Terrain tile when baking a LightMap
- "Missing types referenced from component UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings on game object UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings..." warning is thrown after switching the Platform to tvOS
- “Metal: Error creating pipeline state (Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Sprite-Lit-Default): Vertex attribute BLENDINDICES0(5) of type uint4 cannot be read using MTLAttributeFormatFloat2 (null)“ when setting GPU Skinning to GPU after opening the project