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[Test Framework] Package version in editor manifest (1.1.3) does not mat...
As of 2019.3.0f3 (d719fa0632c6), the latest verified version of the Test Framework package is 1.1.8. The latest version included in ... Read more
Unable to deactivate Toggle Group component with the checkbox in the Ins...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "New Unity Project (10).zip" and scene "New Scene" 2. In Hierarchy, select Canvas -> Pan... Read more
[Asset Pipeline V2] Custom Package causes infinite import loop
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Unarchive "" to ./Packages 3. Open the project Actual resul... Read more
[Serialization] Editor crashes when undo is pressed after applying chang...
Editor crashes when undo is pressed after applying changes in prefab of MonoBehaviours with SerializedReference objects. It has also... Read more
[2018.4] Broken csproj is generated when Visual Studio is installed
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. in Preferences > External tools, set the Script Editor to Visual Studio 3. Assets ... Read more
[UI]"Settingss" text is shown in the Inspector after multi-selecting sev...
Steps to repro: 1. Open the attached project; 2. In the Project folder multi-select "New Lighting Settings" and "New Lighting Settin... Read more
[HoloLens] Device selection dropdown version while remoting to device is...
Device selection dropdown version while remoting to device is not available for WMR in XR Plugin Management system. Because of this ... Read more
[Project View] Parts of the Asset Store login popup are pushed offscreen...
When logging into the Asset Store via the Project Window, some buttons will be pushed off the edges of the login window if the login... Read more
Scripts are unable to compile after upgrading project to 2019.3.0b4
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user-supplied project 2. Observe the errors in the Console window Expected result: after upgrading th... Read more
ScriptUpdater does not work for users with spaces/invalid characters in ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Log in as a user that contains spaces in the name 2. Create a New Project 3. Import the "Trigger.cs" script 4... Read more
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- ListView fails to display items when the source list is cleared and a single element is added
- UI Toolkit ':hover' state remains active when another panel is drawn over the hovered element and Touch input is used
- Unsupported Orient modes can be selected and throw errors when using Strip VFX
- "Tab" key exits the name text field in the VFX Graph tab when renaming the Property
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph