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[Android] App crash on start A6xCommandBuffer::DetermineRenderMode(unsig...
Steps to reproduce: 1)Open UnityHub and create a new 3D project 2) Switch platform to Android 3) Build and Run project on a device ... Read more
AssertionException: Assertion failure. Value was Null errors with Post-P...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open supplied project 2. Open Scene "empty" 3. Press the recompile button (the location is sent by the user i... Read more
The color of the screenshot captured with CaptureScreenshotAsTexture is ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the project "case_1198055-screenshot" 2. Open the Scene "Testing" 3. Press the Play button 4. Select the G... Read more
Timeline window stays locked and cannot be unlocked when re-opening the ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new empty project 2. Open Window -> Sequencing -> Timeline 3. In Hierarchy, create and select an empt... Read more
[UI] Lightmap exposure slider affects all the Scene View windows instead...
Steps to repro: 1. Open the attached project and 'SampleScene' scene; 2. Make sure that you have 2 active scene views in the Editor... Read more
[Test Framework] Package version in editor manifest (1.1.3) does not mat...
As of 2019.3.0f3 (d719fa0632c6), the latest verified version of the Test Framework package is 1.1.8. The latest version included in ... Read more
Unable to deactivate Toggle Group component with the checkbox in the Ins...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "New Unity Project (10).zip" and scene "New Scene" 2. In Hierarchy, select Canvas -> Pan... Read more
[Asset Pipeline V2] Custom Package causes infinite import loop
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Unarchive "" to ./Packages 3. Open the project Actual resul... Read more
[Serialization] Editor crashes when undo is pressed after applying chang...
Editor crashes when undo is pressed after applying changes in prefab of MonoBehaviours with SerializedReference objects. It has also... Read more
[2018.4] Broken csproj is generated when Visual Studio is installed
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. in Preferences > External tools, set the Script Editor to Visual Studio 3. Assets ... Read more
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- Crash on mono_get_hazardous_pointer when running Play Mode tests in a specific project
- [iOS] ‘확인’(Done) and '취소'(Cancel) text is displayed as '...' in the on-screen keyboard when the System preferred language is set to Korean
- [Usability] No warnings when creating the selector with the duplicate name
- [sw-unity-6-1] Shadergraph panning area size is constant regardless of the size or the zoom level
- [Android] Arabic characters are not displayed when the font falls back to the OS font