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Fixed in 2018.1.X
Fixed in 2017.4.X
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Issue ID
[WindowsMR][Emulation] - Trunk - Windows MR SDK is failing to Initialize when using simulation
When using simulation on the first fresh run of a project the Windows Mixed Reality SDK will fail to initialize because the HoloLens device couldn't initialize. This will cause simulation to fail and breaks automation and user cases.
RS3 - 16299.248
Only Reproduces in trunk
Breaks Emulation
Breaks users and automation
If you restart the editor using the same project the bug will not reproduce
Repro Steps:
1.) Download the repro project
2.) Double check the assets folder is the only folder int he project folder
3.) Open the project
4.) Open Test Runner
5.) Go to play mode tests
6.) Run all tests
7.) Observe the tests fail and there is a warning message in the console log
HoloLens device is failing to initialize when using simulation on a fresh/new project
Call stack:
> Unity.exe!HoloLensInitialize(UnityVRDeviceSpecificConfiguration & config) Line 138 C++
Unity.exe!VRDevice::Initialize(bool enableDevice) Line 160 C++
Unity.exe!VRModule::CreateVRModule(VRModule::CreateVRModuleMode createVRModuleMode, const std::vector<core::basic_string<char,core::StringStorageDefault<char> >,std::allocator<core::basic_string<char,core::StringStorageDefault<char> > > > & requestedDevices, bool initializeDevice) Line 249 C++
Unity.exe!VRModule::InitializeDevice() Line 372 C++
Unity.exe!`VRModule::VRModule'::`2'::enterPlayModePreAwakeRegistrator::Forward() Line 70 C++
Unity.exe!CallbackInfoBase<void (__cdecl*)(void),void (__cdecl*)(void const * __ptr64)>::Invoke() Line 71 C++
Unity.exe!CallbackArray::Invoke() Line 332 C++
Unity.exe!PlayerLoopController::EnterPlayMode(bool scriptsWereRecompiled) Line 479 C++
Unity.exe!PlayerLoopController::SetIsPlaying(bool isPlaying) Line 380 C++
Unity.exe!Application::TickTimer() Line 1916 C++
Unity.exe!MainMessageLoop() Line 399 C++
Unity.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * hInst, HINSTANCE__ * hPrev, char * szCmdLine, int nCmdShow) Line 1053 C++
Unity.exe!invoke_main() Line 107 C++
Unity.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 283 C++
Unity.exe!__scrt_common_main() Line 326 C++
Unity.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() Line 17 C++
kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk() Unknown
ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart() Unknown
VRHoloLens::s_Device = UNITY_NEW(VRDeviceHoloLens, kMemVR)(&config);
s_Device is Null, and the VRDeviceHoloLens has some null values as well
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