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Clicking a part of a prefab does not select root when there is a button ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached. 2. Open scene "Test". 3. Press on an object that has written "Prefab 2 No Button" on i... Read more
Transition between animations makes GetIKRotation and GetIKPosition retu...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project 'New Unity Project' and open in Unity 2) Open scene 'Clean Scene' and press ... Read more
"Color Variation" and "Random Tree Rotation" control gone
How to reproduce: 1. Create new project file 2. Import Conifer tree assets 3. Create Terrain 4. Select "Place Trees" in Inspector Wi... Read more
Editor crash on prcore::BlitImage when playing video in the Preview
To reproduce: 1. Open the user-provided project 2. Select "MVI_7574.MOV" file from the Assets folder 3. In the Inspector, press play... Read more
Error after recompiling: "An assembly with the same name `UnityEngine.UI...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached.( 2. Open scene "SimpleSample". 3. Press Play. 4. Detect that there is error ... Read more
Android Vulkan crashes Mali device when accessing null item in Structure...
Steps: 1. Open repro project 2. Build apk and run on Android phones which has Mali GPU OR use the apk in Build folder The repro sce... Read more
[Gear VR] Camera with Target Eye set fails to render into specified eye ...
An user posted a project to the Unity forum where a main camera renders the skybox and some white cubes, while a send camera renders... Read more
[macOS] Memory usage increases significantly when using AssetDatabase.Co...
Using "AssetDatabase.CopyAsset" function takes too much memory for every copied asset. If the assets are enough to take all the syst... Read more
Terrain mesh generated around moving camera increasingly allocates memor...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download project "" and open in Unity 2. Chose scene "GenerationBug" 3. Select Window ... Read more
Build a certain scene crashes the Editor in AddBuildAssetInfoChecked
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the user ( 2. Add "BattleRoom" scene to the build settings 3. Build the p... Read more
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- Crash on ResizeScriptingList<ScriptingObjectPtr> when passing an undeclared variable to the results parameter for GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
- [Android] "Screen.safeArea.y" always returns values outside of the Safe Area when the device is in Portrait orientation
- Frame spike due to many TreeRenderer.TreeUpdated calls when repositioning terrains in large Scenes
- Crash on GameObject::RemoveComponentFromGameObjectInternal when reparenting Text GameObjects
- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context