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Cancel import dialog when skipping transcode after 'Reimport All' or dup...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Import video clip 2. Duplicate video clip 3. Press Skip All 4. Notice that cancel import dialog appears Alt... Read more
[OSX] File dialog window position locked after clicking ‘Open’ in Unity ...
Steps to reproduce: 1.Open Unity 2.Click on ‘Open’ to open the file dialog window 3.Attempt to move the file dialog window Expected... Read more
Using CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer with a SkinnedMesh causes incorrect ani...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open QA's attached project 2. Open scene "scene" 3. Select "Main Camera" 4. In the Inspector scroll down and ... Read more
Text Meshes disappear when changing the z position of a sprite that does...
Take a look at the gif attached for a demonstration of the problem. In the attached project, open UserInterfaceScreen and find the ... Read more
UI Button doesn't work unless the graphic is on the same object
Cannot click on a UI button when its target graphic is assigned to a graphic located on a different GameObject. Repro steps: 1. Dow... Read more
Crash when applying prefab
Crash occurs 100% of the time. 1. Open the attached project and open the scene "UserInterfaceSkeleton" 2. Delete the GameObject: Us... Read more
Material and Sprite of a Sprite Renderer are not changed while using "Ma...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "Material animation bug"; 2. Open the MaterialAnimation.unity scene and ... Read more
Assembly::GetTypes() returns empty array for UnityEngine assembly
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the user ( 2. Go to Window -> Execute Test 3. In the Console,... Read more
ArgumentNullException when setting GameObject in Event
How to reproduce: 1. Create new empty project 2. Start Collab 3. Create UI -> Button 4. Add new event subscription on OnClick() 5. ... Read more
Moving a Collider via script does not update its position if it was disa...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "test mesh"; 2. Open the test.unity scene; 3. Select "a rock" game object ... Read more
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- Crash on ResizeScriptingList<ScriptingObjectPtr> when passing an undeclared variable to the results parameter for GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
- [Android] "Screen.safeArea.y" always returns values outside of the Safe Area when the device is in Portrait orientation
- Frame spike due to many TreeRenderer.TreeUpdated calls when repositioning terrains in large Scenes
- Crash on GameObject::RemoveComponentFromGameObjectInternal when reparenting Text GameObjects
- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context