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[Animation] Renaming duplicate animation clips results in incorrectly na...
Repro steps: 1. Open project and scene “Scene” 2. Select object “Sphere (2)” 3. In Animation window notice clip “New Animation” (th... Read more
[Animation] Scrubbing Animation window timeline crashes in mecanim::Valu...
Repro steps: 1. Open project and scene "Scene" 2. Select object "Sphere (2) 3. In Animation window click timeline (as if to scrub) ... Read more
[ParticleSystem] Trail behavior when particle dies: frame rate decrease,...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Open the particles scene. 3. Select the Particle System in the hierarchy. 4. O... Read more
Unresponsiveness to user input for an excessive time after switching win...
Steps to repro: 1) Load the given project 2) Create 2 different layouts where the scene views are closed but game views are open 3)... Read more
Editor windows turn in blank if user minimizes and maximizes editor's ma...
Steps to repro: 1) Open the supplied project 2) Play the scene and minimize Editor's main window 3) Maximize back the window Resu... Read more
High mass Rigidbodies jitter before settling with PCM enabled
1. Open attached project 2. Open scene test.unity 3. Play the scene - Make note of the way the large cubes settle on the plane 4. G... Read more
Time to instantiate an object or add a component grows with repeated cycles
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open the latest attached project 2. Open the profiler window 3. Press play Expected result: st... Read more
Files with long non latin character names are shown as changed when coll...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a project on a machine running Windows 10 2. Enable Collaboration for the project and make an initial ... Read more
Physics.queriesHitBackfaces does not work with Collider.Raycast
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project "". 2. Play "Raycast" scene. 3. Press left mouse button on the white squar... Read more
ALGCompression tool crashes when changing the texture shape to 2D on And...
ALGCompression tool crashes when changing the texture shape to 2D on Android platform Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached proj... Read more
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- "Problem detected while importing the Prefab file" errors on Learning Templates import
- Crash on RaiseException during Socket.BeginConnect in Player when application connection is blocked through commercial firewall
- Decal Projector produces artifacts when the normal and decal are projected in negative z-direction and Normal Blend is set to 1
- Undoing slider field change only resets slider position, doesn't undo the value change
- Precision changes when a tangent is added to a Vertex node