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Transform.hierarchyCount always returns 0 regardless of the number of tr...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new Unity project 2. Create a new script that prints out 'Transform.hierarchyCount' 3. Attach the scri... Read more
[Fonts] Create Editable Copy does not create an editable copy
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Select .ttf font in Project view 3. Change the Character dropdown to Unicode (or any... Read more
[Android][GearVR]Oculus VR running with FPS drops and freezes on certain...
Steps to reproduce 1. Open attached project "PerformanceTest" scene 2. Build and run with Oculus VR SDK 3. Observe poor performance ... Read more
[Daydream/Cardboard][Android] Google Pixel crashes on OpenGLES2 when usi...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached "PixelCrash" project 2. Build and run on device Result - Application should crash on launch Rep... Read more
[Bone Editor] Bones become distorted after applying changes
To reproduce: 1. Open project 2. Open 'ukkeli_2' sprite in the sprite editor 3. Change sprite editor to Bone editor 4. Add bones to ... Read more
First paint op on new Terrain is done at low resolution and produces jag...
Occurs when doing the first paint operation on a given Terrain Tile. Happens in 2018.3 beta with Draw Instanced enabled and disabled... Read more
[Terrain] Cant create Terrain Brush or Terrain Layer if current director...
Cant create Terrain Brush or Terrain Layer if current directory open in Project window is not in the Assets folder. ie If current di... Read more
[Linux Editor] Assets menu items grey out after calling out the menu in ...
Most items in the Asset menu grey out after right-clicking and calling out the menu in Project window/tab. To solve this, right-cli... Read more
[XR][Android] Oculus is intialized even though Cardboard is first on SDK...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached "OculusFirst" project 2. Build & Run on device Expected result - Cardboard is initalized OR befo... Read more
"No Overrides" is shown when some changes are made to a prefab in the Scene
Repro steps: 1. Open user attached project 2. Add GameObject prefab from the Project Window into the Scene 3. Add a component to it ... Read more
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Latest issues
- "Draw Additional Lights Shadowmap" calls increase when custom MaterialBlockProperty is used
- Crash on _platform_memmove when importing the "Dragon Crashers - URP 2D Sample Project" to a new 2D project
- "Shader is not supported on this GPU" warnings and and shaders are not loading when building the project for non-Chromium browsers
- [iOS][URP] The screen flickers and the "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution" error is thrown continuously
- Shortcut Manager shows empty conflict filter when resolving runtime conflicts involving different contexts