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UnityEngine.Object.Equals incorrectly handles comparisons to a non-Unity...
[This happens when the first object is assigned to null] Steps to reproduce the issue: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open scene name... Read more
Two modal window scrolling bars interacts as one entity
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open my attached project "modalwindow". 2. Enter play mode in "Click Me" scene. 3. Press "Open modalwindow 1"... Read more
When exporting a scene, the associated cginc files with the shader would...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project '' and open in Unity. 2) In project tab,... Read more
Unable to set SyncVar value using FieldInfo.SetValue()
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open "case 804979" project 2. Open "mainscene" scene 3. "Build and run" this project and host a server 4. Pla... Read more
[MacEditor] Empty horizontal bar on MacEditor
Just open any project with 5.3.6f1. Observe that there is a empty OSX/Coacao native bar instead of the black one at the bottom. Ca... Read more
Unity can't load scene from asset bundles
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Click "TestFunction/Build All Asset Bundles" menu item 3. Open "sphe... Read more
Terrain objects doesn't inherit collision layer but does inherit layer w...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open project 2. Open "Scene" scene 3. Select "Tree" prefab and change layer to any other (not Default) 4. Sel... Read more
[iOS] TouchScreenKeyboard.done outputs wrong value when orientation of t...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Open the attached project. 2) Build and deploy to a device. 3) Press 'Done' on the keyboard that pops up to d... Read more
NullReferenceException when selecting objects at the same frame they are...
How to reproduce: 1. Open scene file named 'Stuff Scene' 2. Hit play 3. Start selecting the instantiated objects in the Hierarchy vi... Read more
[AssetBundle] Collision when building AssetBundles with variants if ther...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open AssetBundles -> OSX folder which is in the project 3. Delete created asset bu... Read more
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Latest issues
- Crash on EnsureUniqueSiblingName when calling GameObjectUtility.EnsureUniqueNameForSibling() with a null argument
- Changes are not applied when selecting Platform settings for Plugins
- Particle System only collides with one Terrain Collider at a time when Collision Type is set to 'World'
- Editor crashes on StoredGraphicsBuffer::GetGfxBufferID when VFX Graph property is modified during Play Mode and Application.targetFrameRate is used to limit FPS
- Crash on NVAPI_Thunk when changing Player resolution while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API