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Double-clicking a hierarchy gameObject no longer focuses the scene onto it
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Double-click on any gameObject in the hierarchy Expected result: scene focuses on ga... Read more
UnityWebRequest.Post is not sending POST data when using IMultipartFormS...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download "899017" 2. Move "test.php" file in project's root folder to an environment that supports ... Read more
Building Asset Bundles for a different platform causes compile Errors wh...
Using a menu command to trigger BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(...) for a different platform will cause a compiler error if you hav... Read more
Calling Object.DestroyImmediate(go) in OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserPr...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Right click on the jumpingCube.fbx and select Reimport; 3. Observe the crash. ... Read more
[Video Player] Large videos with H264 codec don't play on iOS devices
When Transcoding is enabled and Codec set to H264 for a large video file, the Video Player component will not play it on iOS devices... Read more
[Android] Crash in particle system on Vivante GC1000
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "ReproCrashTab3_2017-04-06.7z (4.5 MB) " 2. Build and run "TestSceneCrash" scene on S... Read more
[IL2CPP] Stripping Unity.Analytics fails for iOS builds with fatal Mono ...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Open the attached project (OC link). 2) Build for iOS. The build takes a very long time and fails with a fat... Read more
Shader division by integer crashes Unity
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "Alex"; 2. Open the Water.shader file; 3. Find 50 line in the code an... Read more
"vertexHelper.AddUIVertexTriangleStream" method throws "Mesh.uv3 is out ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open ScrollRectErrorReduced project 2. Open UI-scene scene 3. Press Play 4. Press Missions button 5. Observe... Read more
Anima2D: moving a bone in the animator and then undoing it causes an ass...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ""; 2. Select Anima2D component of WeabooAnima2DTest; 3. Open up Animati... Read more
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Latest issues
- OnPostprocessAllAssets() is not called for a modified Prefab when another Asset is set Dirty in the same callback
- [Android] UIToolkit ClickEvent is fired when the device is rotated
- Compilation errors occur when "uintBitsToFloat(int)" gets used in OpenGLES
- User Reporting does not send reports when Managed Stripping Level is set to Low or higher
- Editor crashes and a window with "GetManagerFromContext: pointer to object of manager 'MonoManager' is NULL (table index 5)" error is thrown when launching a project with a corrupted library