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Changing "Anchor Override" in Mesh Renderer of an object in Prefab mode ...
Steps: 1. Create a project 2. Add Cube and Empty child to it 3. Drag to Project Browser to make a prefab 4. Open Cube in Prefab Mode... Read more
The UI Scrollbar component blocks Prefab Mode in Play Mode
If you attempt to edit a prefab with a UI Scrollbar component attached while in playmode, you'll get the following warning: Prefab ... Read more
Nested Prefabs - MissingReferenceException when discarding changes to a ...
If you are editing a prefab with a capsule collider attached and then discard the changes you made by leaving isolation mode, the fo... Read more
"Light" component throws errors when user exits Prefab Mode
Steps: 1. Create a new scene 2. Drag Directional Light to Project Browser to make a prefab 3. Open this prefab 4. Go back to main sc... Read more
Attempting to move an entire light probe group ends up selecting a singl...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project or download the attached one 2. Select a Light Probe Group in the Hierarchy panel 3. Tr... Read more
Edit Light Probes button is stuck in an active state upon pressing it
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project or download the attached one 2. Select Light Probe Group in the Hierarchy panel 3. Pres... Read more
[Linux] When using 2 identical Webcams with same name, second webcam doe...
To reproduce: PREREQ: Have two identical webcams 1) Open attached project and scene 2) Make sure that Id in Raw Images and the scrip... Read more
Clicking on the eyedropper icon in the inspector opens the color picker ...
If you click the eyedrop tool on a color field in the inspector, the color picker will be opened instead of activating the eyedrop t... Read more
Text Mesh Pro components block Prefab isolation mode from opening in Pla...
If you attempt to edit a prefab in with a Text Mesh Pro UI component attached while in Play Mode, you'll get the following warning: ... Read more
Optimize GO results in wrong root motion when scrubing blended clips in ...
root motion is offset after scrubbing back & forth through a blend in Timeline repro: - open attached project - open OGbug scene an... Read more
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Latest issues
- "Draw Additional Lights Shadowmap" calls increase when custom MaterialBlockProperty is used
- Crash on _platform_memmove when importing the "Dragon Crashers - URP 2D Sample Project" to a new 2D project
- "Shader is not supported on this GPU" warnings and and shaders are not loading when building the project for non-Chromium browsers
- [iOS][URP] The screen flickers and the "Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution" error is thrown continuously
- Shortcut Manager shows empty conflict filter when resolving runtime conflicts involving different contexts