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Building a game crashes an Editor
Steps: 1. Open attached project (it downloaded from!/content/34352) 2. Open Build Settings 3... Read more
Line Renderer breaks when there 3 or more elements
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "" 2. Open "test" scene 3. Observe GameObject Expected result: The obj... Read more
Particles Mesh creates artifacts with random Start Rotation
To reproduce: 1. Open Unity and create a new project 2. Create Particle system 3. Set Start Rotation between two constants - from 0... Read more
Object picker shows all types of objects when trying to add sprites to S...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by tester ( 2. Open "test" scene 3. Select Atlas asset in Proj... Read more
Transform handles are lit and hidden by light source
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "point_light_linear" 3. In hierarchy select "Point light" or "Plane" and... Read more
[Regression] Exceptions when click on certain areas on GameView "header"
Regression - can't repro in 5.6 (5.6.1f1 and 5.6.1p2) reproduces on 2017.1.0 (checked on 2017.1.0a4 and 2017.1.0b8) and on 2017.2.0a... Read more
[Regression] Standalone is building to Assets folder by default (which i...
Starting from 2017.1.0b4 when you build Standalone player the Editor suggests to build it in Assets folder and when you try to Build... Read more
Multi - editing a property changes it only for one object if objects hav...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by tester ( 2. Open "test" scene 3. Select a, b and c game obje... Read more
Console warning "Texture being dragged has no Sprites" is printed infini...
To reproduce: 1. Import user's attached sprite (or any other) 2. In sprite's Inspector window change texture type to Sprite(2D and U... Read more
Material.SetTextureScale/SetTextureOffset is ignored when using with Gra...
To reproduce: 1. Download and open attached "" project. 2. Open "Test scene" scene. 3. Enter Play mode. 4. Select "P... Read more
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- Missing TMP Essentials error is logged when closing the TMP Importer Window after they have been already Installed in VFX Learning Template Scenes
- Texture artifacts while moving around in Play mode when using URP on ARM Windows
- Crash on MatchAsset when loading a specific project
- Decal colors change when the position space changes from World to Object and the decal is at the world center
- Sticky Note changes from Dark to Light theme when Editing text