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Missing Namespace UI error appears when a script tried to use UnityEngin...
After running through a few packages in the Assets Store, loading and unloading packages and DLLs, I got into a state with my projec... Read more
[UI] Text input field does not resize in the inspector.
Text input field does not resize in the inspector. Steps to repro: 1. Create a new project. 2. GameObject > UI > Text. 3. Add multi... Read more
[FBX Exporter] FBX Exporter doesn't export BlendShapes
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "" project 2. Select "NPC1-StdF" Game Object in the Hierarchy 3. "GameObject" -> "Expor... Read more
[Improved Prefabs] Editor freezes with the infinite error loop after del...
Exiting Prefab Mode pop up appears along with NullReferenceException on deleting Light Probe prefab from the project view. Steps t... Read more
TextMeshPro Distance Field Overlay shader invisible in HDRP
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a scene using Create -> HD Template Scene. Open the scene 2. Create a new TextMeshPro (TMP) 3D object... Read more
[Improved Prefabs] Opening file failed popup appears on duplicating prob...
Opening file failed popup appears on duplicating probes and creating a prefab of Light Probe Group. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a... Read more
TextMeshPro Distance Field (Surface) material not working with HDRP
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a scene using Create -> HD Template Scene. Open the scene 2. Create a new Textmesh PRO (TMP) 3D objec... Read more
Timeline extrapolation indicator is almost invisible when using Personal...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open Timeline window 3. Select "GameObject" in the Hierar... Read more
Audio file preview Inspector breaks and throws NullReference exceptions ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user-submitted project ("") 2. Select the "Test.ogg" file 3. In Its Inspector window... Read more
Using EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar in ChangeCheckScope thr...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project (Unity2019.2-CustomInspectorLayoutScopeIssue) 2. Open the 'SampleScene' scene 3. Se... Read more
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Latest issues
- Red spots appear when Blending Lighting Scenarios using Adaptive Probe Volumes
- [Windows] About Unity Window needs to be opened twice to adapt to resolution
- NullReferenceException and temporary graph corruption after entering playmode if output node connection was changed
- Sprite Renderer with Animation does not reflect Sprite changes in the Scene when switching Mask Interaction
- User is redirected to a non-existing online documentation link when clicking on "?" help button inside Inspector window while Animator Override Controller is selected