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[FrameDebugger] Missing Help button that should lead to the documentatio...
*Steps to reproduce:* # Download attached project and open in Unity. # Open the Frame Debugger >> Window >> Analysis >> Frame De... Read more
[Android] [UIToolkit] FPS does not reach 30 when the most basic UI Docum...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the ““ project 2. Open the “SampleScene“ 3. Build and Run for Android 4. Observe ... Read more
Console displays "ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter...
*Steps to reproduce:* # Create a project # Go to File -> New Scene # Select: ** "Basic (URP)" ** or "Lit 2D (URP)" ** or... Read more
Console is not scrolling automatically when highlighting the Console mes...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "ConsoleRepro" 2. Open the "SampleScene" scene 3. Enter the Play Mode 4. Navigate... Read more
Console errors are thrown when there is an empty constructor for systems...
How to reproduce: 1. Create and open a new project 2. Install the Entities package from the Package Manager 3. Import the “System... Read more
Asset preview is present in Inspector when the GameObject is selected in...
How to reproduce: 1. Open “IN-94402_TestInspectorDivider” project 2. Select Main Camera in the Hierarchy window 3. In the Inspector ... Read more
[URPRenderPipelineConverter] Not upgrading the Legacy material
*Steps to reproduce:* # Download attached project and open in Unity # Open the URP Converter >> Window >> Rendering >> Render Pi... Read more
[URPRenderPipelineConverter] No message in the Console after the success...
*Steps to reproduce:* # Download attached project and open in Unity # Open the URP Converter >> Window >> Rendering >> Render Pi... Read more
GameObject has a blue tint when iOS platform is selected
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “ShadingIssue” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene“ Scene 3. In the Build Pro... Read more
Assigning graphs on prefabs does not work
*Steps to reproduce:* # Create and open an empty project and install com.unity.behavior # Create a behavior graph (Assets > Crea... Read more
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Latest issues
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph
- Shadow casters are not rendered when deploying builds in specific Unity 6.0 versions
- Automatically unfocuses when focusing and DropdownField is open
- Debug Draw Mode stops rendering GameObjects when GPU Resident Drawer is enabled
- Only a single Selector is added to a Container when drag and dropping multiple of them on an Element in UI Builder