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[OpenGL] The back buffer is forced to be cleared by the camera that set ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project (New Unity Project 33) 2. Open test.unity scene 3. Observe that the second camera ... Read more
OnTriggerExit is not called when colliding trigger is destroyed
How to reproduce: 1. Open the "TriggerTest3D" project 2. Open the "Test" scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. Press space to destroy the trig... Read more
Switching "Scripting Runtime Version" will fail and throw InvalidOperati...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project "Strategy". 2. Open and Play "Scene" scene. 3. Go to: Edit->Project Settings->Player... Read more
[Perforce] "Invalid AssetDatabase path" warnings when files outside of p...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Set up Perforce workspace 2. Create project at least a level deeper than root directory 3. Create another fol... Read more
"...ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD has unfreed allocations" error when selecting plat...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Clear the Console. 3. Go to File > Build Settings. 4. Select any platform. - E... Read more
OnHierarchyChange() is called when there are no changes made to Hierarchy
1. Open the attached "OnHierarchyChange" project and "Repro" scene 2. Open Window --> "My Window" 3. Click on different Hierarchy Ga... Read more
Lighting Data Asset is instantiated from another scene when duplicating ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create and open a new project (or use the attached); 2. Change the default light from Directional to Area (ba... Read more
NUnit TestCase attribute makes PS4 player crash before running tests
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project. 2. Switch platform to PS4 3. Run playmode tests on platform App on PS4 crashes / in consol... Read more
Crash in 'ProbeRenderer::RenderCube > RenderTexture::DiscardContents' wh...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Open the 'test-scene' 3. Editor will crash: #0 0x000001008dfb48 in RenderText... Read more
Similar named script overrides the already existing one in the project w...
The bug seems to happen only when the script is created, exported to package, modified and exported to a different package To repro... Read more
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- Rigidbody2D.Slide API does not have the needed configuration when creating a 2D Top-Down character controller
- Opening reference for "Playables"component redirects to a missing page
- Sprite Renderer image is changed when switching Mask Interaction and changing Sprite to a shared Sprite
- An unsigned integer is not compared with an integer correctly in player when using IL2CPP backend
- Graphical artifacts are being rendered in Scenes that are loaded during run-time when GPU Resident Drawer is turned on