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Animation freezing into pose
How to reproduce: 1. Open the "repro" project 2. Open the "scene" scene 3. Press Play and observe the animations Expected result: T... Read more
"SV_Depth" not written to shader
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "" project in 5.6.1f1 2. See the Depth of the Sphere and Image 3. Open the same ... Read more
Texture2D.LoadRawTextureData() fails to load DXT1 texture with mipmaps d...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open "dds_test" scene 3. Enter play mode 4. Observe the exception thrown in the con... Read more
[Physics] Physics.ComputePenetration calculates depth incorrectly for so...
The Scene contains a capsule collider and a non-convex mesh collider that are slightly overlapping. Physics.ComputePenetration shoul... Read more
[Mac] Force Quitting Unity results in an Unhandled Exception in the Shad...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Force Quit Unity 3. Open the "ShaderCompiler.log" inside of the Projects Library fol... Read more
Windows Standalone 64-bit Build Crashes on launch
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Build for Windows (64-bit) 3. Launch the Standalone Build Expected Result: The Buil... Read more
[Android] Outline gets applied on the whole screen instead of individual...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open project attached by QA 2. Open 'Scene1_Intro' scene 3. Select 'Main Camera' and make sure unnecessary sh... Read more
Metal Editor Support makes the entire Unity editor turn hot pink plus pi...
Using Unity 2017.3.0b1 on Mac if you enable "Metal Editor Support* (Experimental)" in Player settings then the entire Editor UI (exc... Read more
[Metal] Crash in _pthread_kill when using CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT o...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "CrashMetal" project and "ShowcaseSceneContactShadows" scene 2. Enable "Main Camera" GameObje... Read more
[.NET4.6] Crash in '_sigtramp > mono_handle_native_crash' calling Debug....
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project with macOS machine. 2. Make sure Scripting Runtime Version is set to .NET 4.6 in Pl... Read more
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Latest issues
- Sprite Renderer image is changed when switching Mask Interaction and changing Sprite to a shared Sprite
- An unsigned integer is not compared with an integer correctly in player when using IL2CPP backend
- Graphical artifacts are being rendered in Scenes that are loaded during run-time when GPU Resident Drawer is turned on
- Low FPS in the Game View when the Editor window loses focus
- Memory leak when a domain is reloaded on a Scene that uses HDRP's water simulation resources