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[Scene view] The VFX Controls disappear if the first effect added to the...
Repro steps: 1. Create a new VFX or select an existing one 2. Open it in the VFX Window 3. Drag two instances in a new scene. 4. Mak... Read more
[Layout] Unity Layouts save a reference to the currently opened VFX.
Repro steps: 1. Open a VFX in the VFX window 2. With the VFX window docked, create a new Layout. 3. Resize some windows / change the... Read more
[UIElements] The font color for read-only values has changed, making the...
Repro steps: 1. Create an add operator 2. Connect it to a float operator 3. Observe the value in the float operator is barely visibl... Read more
VFX Graph shows "undeclared identifier" error when SamplerState node is ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Openattached "" project and Scenes/SampleScene scene 2. Open the Scene view 3. In the Hierarc... Read more
[VFX Graph] Unable to select "Fixed Delta And Exact Time" option in Upda...
On selecting "Fixed Delta And Exact Time" option in Update mode, Exact Fixed Time Step get selected. Steps to repro: 1. Create a n... Read more
[Subgraph] Exposed Int with range slider throw Invalid CastFloat error w...
[Issue raised on the forums:] Repro steps... Read more
[VFX Graph][Mobile] Bitonic sort exceed maximum supported workgroup size
.How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" Project 2. Change the build target to "Android" 3. Make sure that Graphics API... Read more
[VFX Graph] NotImplementedException error is thrown on selecting Copy Sh...
Editor throws NotImplementedException when Copy Shader option is selected by right-clicking on Visual Effect Master node when a proj... Read more
View Direction Shader Graph Node causes a compilation error when used in...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project named "VfxSgIssue" 2. Open the Test Scene 3. Observe the Console Window Expected b... Read more
[VFX Graph] NullReferenceExceptions are thrown on removing VFX-Render co...
NullReferenceExceptions are thrown continuously on removing VFX Render component from Visual Effect Graphs prefab asset. Steps to ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Memory leak when a lot of UI elements are spawned and despawned
- Warnings are not logged in the Console window when using external code analyzers
- Errors “TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_MAIN has unfreed allocations, size 288“ appear constantly when Prefab is open
- Crash on PPtr<Shader>::operator or NullException errors spammed in console when calling Dispose() on null GraphicsBuffer with baked Reflection Probes
- “EndRenderPass: Not inside a Renderpass” and other Render Graph errors in the Player when Render Graph is enabled and Overlay UI is used