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Entering play mode causes 'MemoryStream is corrupted' error
Entering play mode causes MemoryStream is corrupted' error leading to force quit. To reproduce: 1. Open the project. 2. In the pro... Read more
[CacheServer] Data is uploaded to CacheServer even while Upload and Down...
This happens only when Parallel Import is enabled. How can we reproduce it (make sure that you have local Accelerator running on ... Read more
UnityEngine.Hash128 and UnityEditor.GUID are not serialized in user comp...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user's attached project and scene "GuidsScene" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. In Hierarchy window, select "Guids"... Read more
ScriptableObject with an array of serializable classes with arrays in th...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open SampleScene 3. Select World Data in the Project window 4. Observe the Inspect... Read more
Expanding all nodes of an endless tree that is using [SerializeReference...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project (SerializeReference) 2. Select 'New Some Thing' Asset in the Project window 3. In t... Read more
Editor freezes when trying to serialize generic type with SerializeRefer...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. In the Project window "Assets" folder right-click -> Create -> Test ... Read more
JsonUtility.ToJson() modifies its input parameters
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the user ( 2. Open Test Runner 3. Run all EditMode tests 4. Observe t... Read more
PersistentManager::ReadObject crash when exiting Unity if VSCode plugin ...
To reproduce: 1. Open users attached project "" 2. Navigate to VSCode > Plugins > Editor 3. Save the project 4... Read more
[Serialization] Different serialization layout error thrown at runtime w...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached Unity project ("") 2. Build And Run 3. When the app finishes load... Read more
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Latest issues
- Compute Shader property not set error when entering play mode with path tracing and PBR sky
- "WebGL Publish" detects WebGL module and allows building when it is installed without restarting the project
- Editor is non-responsive and flickers when multiple Water System instances are enabled
- Texture2D.PackTextures causes mips 7-9 to turn pink when packed textures are of ASTC 4x4 compression
- "OnApplicationQuit" is called when "Application.wantsToQuit" returns false