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[ShaderGraph] Undeclared identifier 'UnityBuildTexture2DStructNoScale' e...
Repro steps: 1. Import the attached project 2. Open the repro scene and observe the errors 3. Open the ShaderGraph and disconnect th... Read more
InputField of UIToolkit Slider does not update bound property
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene 3. Selec... Read more
All the textures are cleared when creating Texture array
How to reproduce: 1. Open the project the "1323870_Repro" project (the project is in google drive, the link is in the edit) 2. Open ... Read more
Build fails with IL2CPP error when building in IL2CPP Scripting Backend
How to reproduce: 1. Open project "1422009" 2. Open Edit -> Player Settings -> Player 3. Set Scripting Backend to IL2CPP 4. Open Fil... Read more
'task.rasterData.vertexBuffer == NULL' errors when using a Particle System
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open User-attached project 2. Run the Sample scene 3. Tab out and wait for at least 3 minutes Expected: noth... Read more
[WebGL] "SharedArrayBuffer will require cross-origin isolation as of M91...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project using the default 3D template 2. Make a WebGL build 3. Open the built Player on Chrome 4. ... Read more
Editor crashes when loading a mesh asset with 'Mesh Compression' from an...
The crash happens if there's both an asset with 'Mesh Compression' enabled, and any other asset Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and... Read more
GameObject's colors are rendered differently in the iOS build compared t...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Go to the Build Settings (FIle>Build Settings) 3. Select iOS and bu... Read more
[URP] Decal Projector renders stretched out decal material
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached "" project 2. Open the "TestScene" scene 3. Observe the "Dec... Read more
"Curl error 6: Could not resolve host:" err...
How to reproduce: 1. Make sure that you do not have internet connection 2. Create a new project Expected result: Newly created proj... Read more
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Latest issues
- Non-removable serialized data for a renderer feature still appears even when the renderer feature is deleted
- URP Cascaded Shadows do not have a falloff in Player when the Player is built not in Development Mode
- Grid in animation preview window is rendered on top of the object
- WebGPU Graphics.RenderPrimitives fails on MeshTopology.Quads with Validation errors when exceeding 64k vertices
- Task status is "WaitingForActivation" when awaiting a faulted task inside that task