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Package import previewing of more objects
Not every object type can be previewed, some missing: - Text files: .cs, .js, .txt - Shader files (also text) - Fonts - Flar... Read more
Input.GetKeyDown doesn't detect KeyCode.Print and KeyCode.SysReq on Wind...
Input.GetKeyDown doesn't detect KeyCode.Print or KeyCode.SysReq. This code will not work as intended: if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.... Read more
Setting Time.timeScale to 0 in Start is broken
When setting Time.timeScale to 0 in the Start method of a MonoBehaviour, Time.deltaTime from that point on is not 0 but 0.02. Read more
Error is not generated if you use the index of the component instead of ...
iphone: There are some Vector3 properties that can not be modified by component. For instance, you can't set bounds.min.x, bounds.m... Read more
No error is generated if you use the same scripted hotkey for two menu i...
No error is generated if you use the same scripted hotkey for two menu items. The first of the menu items that you create is still ... Read more
[Selection] State is reset after entering Play mode
This bug is similar to case 280936 and a video of the repro steps has been attached. The reason this hurts is because if I am twea... Read more
Animation View: Adding a curve for Rotation is inconsistent
When initially adding a curve for local position or local scale, creating a curve will make the entire curve visible with a single k... Read more
[Layout] Scroll/scale bar in Animation Editor is inconsistent
I'm reviving this bug, as it's still pretty relevant. The main issue with the scrolling in the Animation window is: (see the attach... Read more
Windows editor very slow on USB/network drives
Creating a project with standard assets takes ages, for example. If the project is placed on a USB stick. Profile and figure out wh... Read more
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Latest issues
- Nested Canvases with the same Order in Layer ignore Z position for render order when sharing parent Canvas
- ShaderGraph Material subasset loses texture reference when reimporting all assets while using a scripted importer
- Values changed on a prefab are not retained when entering Play Mode
- Shadow Caster 2D shadows partially disappear in specific spots when used with Composite Collider 2D in the Game view
- Hierarchy and Library parts in UI Builder are inaccessible when UI Builder window is resized and these elements no longer fit in the window