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Flash: Build error on using &= with strings
x &= (test == test2); on building for Flash gives an error "Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type Boolean to an unrelated type... Read more
[Transparency][Substance] substance material with a transparent shader d...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Load scene "Lightmap01" 2. In menu Window->Lightmapping 3. In a window press "Bake scene" When I bake lightm... Read more
Show attributes in Inspector for js
1 Add HideBug.js to the project. 2 Select the script in the Project window. 3 You will still see variables aTransform and aGameObjec... Read more
Plugin crash when closing IE10 running Boccia game.
Plugin crash when closing IE10 running Boccia game. Repro Steps: 1. Install 4.0f7 and set channel to release 2. Launch IE10 with h... Read more
Unity crashes when adding directional lightning on ML with AppleIntelHD3...
To reproduce: Download;301019&s=3... Read more
Passing small c++ classes by value does not work
There's work around for this, however it is annoying: // Workaround for gcc/msvc where passing small mono structures by value does... Read more
Unity 4.0f6: Sceneview GUI offset in y based on rendering
Steps to reproduce : - open the project - press the two buttons in the scene view - notice that the GUI is getting misplaced visua... Read more
Preview for a RenderTexture is broken (Mac OSX only)
Preview for a RenderTexture looks weird. To reproduce: - Create a new project - Right-click and create a new Render Texture - Obser... Read more
Project Browser A$ Search - Special symbols block search request
Repro: 1. Go to Asset Store search in the Project Browser 2. Use one of the following symbols in your search string: @, /, (, ), ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() freezes the Editor when releasing Mesh objects
- 16-bit Sprite Textures have a banding effect and loss of data when packing into Variant Sprite Atlas
- HDRP Cluster artifacts when having more than 100 lights
- ParticleCollisionEvent.intersection generates extremely high values when particles collide while in Play Mode
- Custom attributes are not properly converted to subgraphs