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Terrain - changing brush stroke parameters is not undoable via Edit > Undo
Using built in Terrain (not terrain tools package) changing the paint brush size or opacity in the inspector are not undoable action... Read more
[Tree Creator] Tree Material resets to default when altering Tree Compon...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the "SampleScene" Scene in the attached "" Project 2. Press on the "OptimizedTree" GameObjec... Read more
Terrain: trees should use the GO transform when placed on terrain
Since the Tree Creator was designed to only create trees over a certain size we need a way to be able to scale the trees after creat... Read more
Grass mipmaps does not switch after adding a certain number of grass tex...
(Check the attached *.gif file to see the bug) Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project 2. Navigate to Assets 3. Open the m... Read more
Terrain is not editable
Reproduction steps 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "Mountain2" 3. Try editing the terrain Actual result: Terrain is not edi... Read more
[Regression][Windows] Tree prefab with no reference to Hierarchy appears...
Steps to repro: 1. Open attached project and t1 scene on Windows; 2. Select Terrain gameobject in the Hierarchy; 3. In the Inspecto... Read more
Shadows are not casted onto Terrain using non-Standard shader from pixel...
Steps to repro: 1. Open attached project and 'test' scene; 2. Observe Scene and Game views. Actual result: Shadows are not casted ... Read more
Code-created TerrainData marked with "HideFlags.DontSave" crashes editor...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project's scene "Test". 2. Exit Unity Editor. 3. Editor crashes. Crash is caused by HideFlags.... Read more
GetHolesLODInfo doesn't match the content of the HeightmapSubRegion hole...
Heightmap::GetHolesLODInfo returns kPatchHasSurfaceOnly for the patch I am interested in, but after extracting the HeightmapSubRegio... Read more
[Terrain] Brush rendering breaks on the edges of terrain when terrain's ...
Brush rendering breaks on the edges of terrain when terrain's height is greater than zero Steps to Repro: 1. Open attached or creat... Read more
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- Unity crashes during the scene template selection in the "Inspector" tab
- [Android] [iOS] [UnityWebRequest] Requests with "UnityWebRequest" are open for SSL Proxying
- SetWindowsHookEx does not prevent Windows key input when Editor or Player Window is focused and Active Input Handling is set to “Input System Package (New)” or “Both”
- Crash on GetEffectiveBc7TextureCompressor() when loading and unloading all Assets in the Project
- Terrain Masks do not ignore the mipmap limit