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Nothing Selected component no longer shows up after deleting a script
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open any Unity project 2. Create a new c# script 3. Attach that script to any gameobject in the Hierarchy 4. ... Read more
Transform Scale loses precision when duplicating child GameObject
To reproduce: 1. Open 'LostPrecision' project 2. Open 'Test' scene 3. Duplicate 'InnerWall0' GameObject 4. Duplicate 'InnerWall1' ... Read more
Editor ignores Input from keyboard if Japanese IME is used
How to reproduce: 1. Make sure that Japanese IME is used as keyboard input language 2. Create a new Unity project 3. Change the Main... Read more
Objects in the scene get lighter when a new scene is created
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "" 2. Open "Test 2" scene 3. Observe objects in the scene view 4. Create a new... Read more
Wrong color for the scenes section in Build Settings
Steps to reproduce : - create a new project - go to Build Settings and notice the color of the scenes section Note: Regression fro... Read more
"Uncheck 'Scripts Only Build' and try again." error is thrown when "Scri...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Open Build Settings 3. Check Development Build 4. Check Scripts Only Build 5. Uncheck... Read more
Error when opening Player Settings
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project (Personal Edition) 2. Open Player Settings 3. Observe the errors in Console Window: Asse... Read more
Editor crashes when switching between Metal and OpenGL with a custom scr...
Editor crashes when switching between Metal and OpenGL with a custom script window open 1. Open attached project (blank scene, only... Read more
[MacOS] Far less resolutions are suggested for Retina
Far less resolutions on suggested for Retina 1. Create a new project. 2. Build and run. 3. In suggested for Retina Actual result... Read more
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Latest issues
- Memory Profiler styling breaks when the SummaryView.uxml file is opened in UI Builder
- A "projectChanged" event is not triggered when Sprites are added to a SpriteAtlas
- A Memory leak occurs when the "JsonSerialization.FromJson" function is executed
- “ArgumentException: SetData()“ error when making a character with PSDImporter under specific conditions
- Shader warnings are thrown after building High Definition 3D template