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Missing Component Exception when selecting an animation for Mutant model
Steps to reproduce : - import the Mutant model from Mixamo from the Asset Store - select the Mutant hires fbx and notice the error ... Read more
[Playables] SetOverrideLoopTime in AnimationClipPlayable doesn't work wh...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached Project "Loop Bug" 2. Open the scene "Assets/AnimEvent/Assets/Scenes/SampleScene" 3. Open the T... Read more
[Animation] Transitions box layout is overlapping with its property wind...
On expanding transitions from Transitions box, Transitions box layout is overlapping with its property window. refer attached screen... Read more
Adding a trigger paramter to the animator changes existing transition co...
To reproduce: 1. Open project "Trigger bug" 2. Open animation controller abenew 3. Inspect the transition from "Movement" to "Idle" ... Read more
[LowHangingFruit] [IMGUI] 'Solo' and 'Mute' Transitions checkbox positio...
In Animator window, After making a transition between StateMachine and New State, In the inspector window 'Solo' and 'Mute' Transiti... Read more
Inconsistent GameObject movement when changing the order of Constraint c...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project "Constraint" 2. Enter Play mode 3. Select the "constrained" GameOb... Read more
Broken mapping applied by switching to the muscles tab
- Brake the mapping (e.g. set wrong transform for any bone) - Dont press apply button - Switch to the muscles tab - Editor will prop... Read more
[Animation Rigging] Humanoid rig is offset when using Animation Rigging ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open "SampleScene" scene 3. Enter Play Mode Expected result: the ... Read more
Timeline stays stuck after going to play mode.
1) Open animation window & Timeline window 2) Create a new gameobject then click on "Create" in timeline window 3) Add Animation Tra... Read more
[Name bindings] Humanoid animation with extra skeleton is not correct fo...
Steps to reproduce : - import the project attached - select "b_run_dribble_left.fbx" - drag the "YMHD_001_modle" fbx in the preview... Read more
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Latest issues
- Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() freezes the Editor when releasing Mesh objects
- 16-bit Sprite Textures have a banding effect and loss of data when packing into Variant Sprite Atlas
- HDRP Cluster artifacts when having more than 100 lights
- ParticleCollisionEvent.intersection generates extremely high values when particles collide while in Play Mode
- Custom attributes are not properly converted to subgraphs