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Coroutine is two times more expensive than Update method
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project (Unity_Test_Update_Calls) 2. Open profiler 3. Play the scene 4. Press the Update b... Read more
Override controller created with script and without animator rebind call...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached (animsample.7z). 2. Press Play. 3. Move with arrows and press space few times. Expecte... Read more
[Metal][macOS][NVIDIA] Using Terrain Composer 2 from Asset Store results...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "MetalFlickerIssue" project 2. Make sure that Metal Editor Support is enabled (Edit --> Proj... Read more
[WSA] Input field becomes unresponsive after dictation input
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project( 2. Switch platform to Windows Store 3. Build and Run for WSA Uni... Read more
[WSA] Unable to build a UWP app when Analytics is enabled and backend se...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project and enable Analytics 2. Switch platform to Windows Store 3. Build for WSA Universal 4. O... Read more
Crash in aligned_free when entering Play Mode if Vuforia is set as prefe...
To reproduce: 1. Open a new project; 2. Go to Player Settings (Edit > Project Settings > Player); 3. In XR Settings, check Virtual ... Read more
"No MonoBehaviour scripts in the file" error if classes of the script ar...
"No MonoBehaviour scripts in the file" error if classes of the script are inside the namespace and the one which derives from MonoBe... Read more
If Vuforia AR is checked as enabled, it is impossible to disable it usin...
To reproduce: 1. Open a new project; 2. Go to Player Settings (Edit > Project Settings > Player); 3. In the XR Settings, set Vufori... Read more
[WebGL] MissingMethodException: Method not found. Default constructor no...
Steps: 1. Open attached project (or download from Asset Store!/content/22817) 2. Open 'Elem... Read more
Keyframe navigation shortcut behaves abnormally in the Animation window ...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "" 2. Open "test" scene 3. Open Timeline and Animation windows 4. ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Particle System only collides with one Terrain Collider at a time when Collision Type is set to 'World'
- Editor crashes on StoredGraphicsBuffer::GetGfxBufferID when VFX Graph property is modified during Play Mode and Application.targetFrameRate is used to limit FPS
- Crash on NVAPI_Thunk when changing Player resolution while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API
- Only one out of multiple cameras is shown in the Play Mode while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API
- The "Paste Component as New" option is incorrectly displayed as active despite the action being prohibited