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Crash on ScheduleNavMeshDataUpdate when building NavMeshSurface while an...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "Case_1231244" and load scene "SampleScene" 2. Press Play Reproducible with: 2017.4.40f1... Read more
Editor crashes when Graphics.DrawMeshNow is called
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project's "" Scene labeled "SampleScene" 2. Enter the Play Mode 3. Wa... Read more
[VCS] VCS Window doesn't always group assets correctly with its appropri...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project in your preferred workspace and open it 2. Connect it to Perforce 3. Import a couple of as... Read more
Editor crashes when destroying a Playable object during OnDestroy functi...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project's Scene labeled "SampleScene" 2. Enter the Play Mode 3. Leave the Play Mode Expected... Read more
The Addressables Labels window does not open when clicking the button "M...
How to reproduce: 1. Make sure that all applications are minimized 2. Open the project "case_1233766-AddressablesGroups" 3. Open the... Read more
[Profiler] Mouse Scroller is not working for Timeline view in the profil...
Using the Mouse Scroll Wheel on the Thread name section or the scroll bar in Timeline View doesn't scroll, also continuous pressing ... Read more
Selecting a Material from the list in Model Importer Material Editor loc...
To reproduce: 1. Download attached "" project in Unity 2. In Project window select "untitled.fbx" gameObject 3. In... Read more
[Profiler] UI System Preview Window title is not user friendly
The title given to the Previews window is "UnityEditor.UISystemPreviewWindow" Which is not user friendly, refer attached video and s... Read more
[Addressable assets] Build stops with SBP ErrorUnsavedChanges when chose...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Go to Window>Asset Management>Addressables>Groups and "Cr... Read more
[XR][XR SDK][HDRP] Semaphore.WaitForSignal usage spikes when using XR
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project using HDRP template 2. Install XR Management Plugin in Project Settings or enable XR in Pl... Read more
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- Keywords on Material Variants aren't automatically saved when changed on original Material through Shader Graph
- Light Probes get baked when calling LightProbes.Tetrahedralize
- Shadows flicker and cause visual artifacts when modifying a GameObject's bounds using Swizzle (Y Mask) and Sine Time nodes
- [WebGL] Frame rate drops by 5-20 fps when moving cursor or touch input in the Player
- Light bleeds when using box shaped spotlight with specific Emission Range values