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Increase label space for reflection probe weights in mesh renderer compo...
Mesh Renderer component when using reflection probes list all of them and their weights, but the weight is cut due to limited space.... Read more
[iOS][Audio] Application crashes when there is an active audio source in...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Build 'Main' scene for iOS 3. Build the generated Xcode project to a device 4. Noti... Read more
[DetailMesh] Unable to paint detail mesh when terrain contains assigned ...
Steps to repro: 1. Open Unity; 2. Create new project; 3. Import attached ‘DetailMeshBug’ package; 4. Double click on ‘Terrain’ game... Read more
[Windows] Built project won't run on standalone
steps to repro. 1. Open downloaded project. 2. Open AirStream scene 3. Go to File > build 4. Run built file. Read more
Editor hangs if Visual Studio is not properly installed
Unity hangs if the current Visual Studio installation is broken. If Visual Studio fails to open, then Unity's progress bar indicatin... Read more
Searching for multiple labels does not work as advertised
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. search for `l:A l:C` 3. observe objects only labeled `A` as well as objects labeled with ... Read more
[ReflectionProbes] Negative importance value floods console with errors
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene 1 3. Select one of the spheres with a reflection probe 4. Decrease importance v... Read more
[ReflectionProbes] When blending, probe with higher importance doesn't o... Blending section mentions "When one probe involved in the blend has a high... Read more
[UI][StandaloneInputSystem]Object which is focused while uninteractable ...
To Reproduce: 1. Use the arrow keys to navigate between the checkboxes. 2. Observe that the links are setup manually on each eleme... Read more
[QualitySettings] "Lod Bias" should be spelled "LOD Bias"
LOD is an abbreviation and should be spelled with all caps. Repro steps: 1. Open Unity. 2. Go to Quality Settings 3. LOD is spelled... Read more
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Latest issues
- NullReferenceException when setting 'isTextObjectScaleStatic' to false on a disabled TextMeshPro GameObject
- Shader Stripping Custom Options disappear when exiting Play mode without reloading Domain
- Decals do not get projected when 'Rendering Layer Mask' on a GameObject is 23rd Layer or above due to encoding/decoding issues
- Deriving from SearchContextAttribute doesn't always work
- Scripting API documentation is missing for macOS editor extensions