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"Editor Event Handler Error" error is thrown when using Terrain Tool sho...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "IN_93866_ U6 Terrain Test" project 2. Navigate to GameObject > 3D Object > Terrain to add... Read more
Lights only visible in left eye in VR when using built-in pipeline
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “ReproProject“ 2. Open the scene “SampleScene“ 3. Make sure VR headset is conn... Read more
UI Builder Inspector shows element's custom name when using "Unset" to c...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Create and open a new UI Document (Assets → Create → UI Toolkit → UI Document) 3. ... Read more
Arrow button is poked in opposite direction when clicking on it
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “ReproProject“ 2. Open the scene “HandsDemoScene“ 3. Make sure VR headset is c... Read more
[SW-unity-6-1] UI Builder has inconsistent bolding of fields when changi...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a project 2. Open UI Builder (Window → UI Toolkit → UI Builder) 3. Add any element to the hierarchy 4... Read more
Canvas buttons are no longer interactable when copy-pasting a Canvas Gam...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “” project 2. Open the “Scene1” 3. In the Hierarchy Window, copy the “Canvas” G... Read more
Crash on EditorUtility_CUSTOM_NaturalCompareObjectNames in Animation Win...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “” project 2. Open the “SampleScene” 3. In the Hierarchy window, select the “G... Read more
MinMaxAABB errors appear in the Console when executing CommandBuffer in ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the project “IN-92030_ParticlesLateUpdateExecuteCommandBuffer” 2. Enter Play Mode 3. Press 2 on the k... Read more
HDRP Water Surface underwater Collider bounds are calculated incorrectly...
Reproductions steps: 1. Open the attached “” project 2. Open the “OutdoorsScene” 3. Click on the “Pool” GameObject fr... Read more
Incorrect numbers appear when typing certain values into Focal Length field
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “IN-93491” project 2. Open the “thing” Scene 3. Press on the “Main Camera” in the Hierarch... Read more
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- Crash on ResizeScriptingList<ScriptingObjectPtr> when passing an undeclared variable to the results parameter for GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
- [Android] "Screen.safeArea.y" always returns values outside of the Safe Area when the device is in Portrait orientation
- Frame spike due to many TreeRenderer.TreeUpdated calls when repositioning terrains in large Scenes
- Crash on GameObject::RemoveComponentFromGameObjectInternal when reparenting Text GameObjects
- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context