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Possible to interact with hidden elements in Timeline window when there ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new object with Playable Director 2. Assign timeline which has no tracks to the Playable Director co... Read more
[Timeline] Preview stop working when using multiple animation tracks exc...
[Timeline] Preview stop working when using multiple animation tracks except for the last one Steps to repro: 1. Open attached proje... Read more
[Timeline] 'Find Source Asset' option is disabled on Playable Track time...
To reproduce: 1. Open project 2. Open Timeline window 3. Select New Timeline asset in the project window 4. Right click on TestClip,... Read more
Timeline creates a dummy object when TrackBindingType of a Script compon...
Repro steps: 1. Open user attached project 2. Open scene "Bug Repro Scene" 3. Open the Timeline Window 4. Select GameObject "Timelin... Read more
Video is not played in Timeline when using Video Script Playable Track f...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project ("") 2. Enter Play mode 3. Observe the Game view Expected result: A v... Read more
PlayableDirector does not work on built projects when Managed Stripping ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the project inside of "" which resides inside an ownCloud directory 2. ... Read more
TrackAssets in namespaces reports a Warning when a track is added to a T...
To reproduce: 1. Download the attached project "_TEST DS2" and open in Unity 2. Open Timeline window 3. Create Empty g... Read more
Errors in console on selecting lock and mute options together on a timel...
Steps To Reproduce: 1. Create/Open the attached project. 2. Select the cube in the hierarchy to view it in the timeline 3. Select ... Read more
[Timeline] Playhead moves till the last deleted keyframe when recorded w...
Steps To Reproduce: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Select the cube in the hierarchy. 3. In the timeline record animation for 2-3 ... Read more
Match Content does not reset start trim properly
Match Content does not reset start trim properly, but Reset Duration does. repro: -import attached project -open test scene -select... Read more
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- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context
- Crash on invalid_parameter_internal when starting Standalone Profiler
- UI Toolkit buttons stop receiving inputs when entering the new Scene while holding a button during Scene change
- VFX Graph tooltips have a double line on the bottom side
- TMP font size is "-99" by default when TMP Resources are not loaded