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Fixed in 2019.3.X
Fixed in 2018.4.X, 2019.1.X, 2019.2.X
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PlayableDirector does not work on built projects when Managed Stripping Level is set above Low on specific Projects
Reproduction steps:
1. Open the project inside of "" which resides inside an ownCloud directory
2. Open and Play "Testree" Scene, notice that the cube moves on Awake
3. Build and Play the Project (Pre-built executable exists in "MediumBuild" folder inside of the Project folder)
Expected result: The cube moves on built Project
Actual result: The cube does not move on built Project
Reproduces on: 2018.3.5f1, 2018.3.12f1, 2019.1.0b2, 2019.1.0b10, 2019.2.0a4, 2019.2.0a10
Does not reproduce on: 2018.3.4f1, 2019.1.0b1, 2019.2.0a3
- 2017.4.25f1 does not feature Managed Stripping
- Although the attached project is completely stripped of irrelevant assets, this does not reproduce on other fresh projects
- PlayableDirector's "time" variable does increase as the time flows, however, the changes cannot be seen in the scene
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Jul 15, 2019 07:06
Create a link.xml file on the Assets directory and add the following content:
<assembly fullname="UnityEngine.TimelineModule"/>
<assembly fullname="UnityEngine.Timeline"/>
This will prevent the timeline modules to be stripped from your project.