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PersistentManager::ReadObject crash when exiting Unity if VSCode plugin ...
To reproduce: 1. Open users attached project "" 2. Navigate to VSCode > Plugins > Editor 3. Save the project 4... Read more
Crash on mono_class_is_subclass_of_internal when having ISerializationCa...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open "Assets/Ouroboros/Battle Board/Scenes/Battle Board" scene 3. Enter P... Read more
UnityEngine.Hash128 and UnityEditor.GUID are not serialized in user comp...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user's attached project and scene "GuidsScene" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. In Hierarchy window, select "Guids"... Read more
Parse error is thrown when serialized asset with properties named guid i...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Import ("curly.asset") to a project 3. Open Console window Expected result: No error ... Read more
[Presets] FormerlySerializedAs Field does not keep the last value after ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" Project 2. Set the "Test Float" variable to 100 3. Go to edit ... Read more
UnityEvent doesn't serialize/update correctly in EditorWindows when edit...
To reproduce: 1. Open project attached 2. In main task bar, press TEST > OPEN WINDOW 3. In Project window, select MySO, drag it to M... Read more
[il2cpp] Player crashes when imgui is included in scene
-e: see title, when the script is disabled it works, using mono it works, running 64bit standalone it sometimes doesn't crash (not f... Read more
"SerializedProperty has disappeared!" error thrown when calling ApplyMod...
Full title: "SerializedProperty[1] has disappeared!" error thrown when calling ApplyModifiedProperties after del... Read more
Subasset ordering changes in version control when removing and re-adding...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Add project to GitHub Desktop or another similar tool 3. Selec... Read more
[Serialization] Different serialization layout error thrown at runtime w...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached Unity project ("") 2. Build And Run 3. When the app finishes load... Read more
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- URP Cascaded Shadows do not have a falloff in Player when the Player is built not in Development Mode
- Grid in animation preview window is rendered on top of the object
- WebGPU Graphics.RenderPrimitives fails on MeshTopology.Quads with Validation errors when exceeding 64k vertices
- Task status is "WaitingForActivation" when awaiting a faulted task inside that task
- 0 is returned when any output from Split Node is input into the Lerp Node