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Physics2D.Simulate(0) does not trigger OnTriggerEnter2D and OnTriggerExi...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the Console Window 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Observe t... Read more
Incorrect tooltip displayed for the Edit Polyline button of Polygon Coll...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new 3D Project 2. Right-click in the Hierarchy window and select "Create Empty" 3. In the Inspector ... Read more
Description of the Surface Effector 2D "Use Contact Force" option contai...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "case_1396766" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Select the "Main Camera" GameObject... Read more
A warning appears when a GameObject with a Collider is added to a GameOb...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open Assets > SampleScene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Select the "[Testbed]" Ga... Read more
HingeJoint2D reactionTorque is Zero AND Joint Break Torque does not exce...
Reproduction steps: 1. Load the attached "" and open the "TestHinge2D" scene. 2. Select the "LongBox" GameObject. 3.... Read more
In very rare circumstances, NOT using Multithreaded 2D Physics Consisten...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Load the "Main Menu" scene. 3. Observe the GameObject "Collectable Are... Read more
It is difficult to properly edit the PolygonCollider2D collider when its...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. In the Hierarchy select th... Read more
Physics2D.Distance returns zero when CapsuleCollider has a size of (0.1,...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open the project "" 2. Open Assets/Scenes/SampleScene... Read more
Unity freezes when Physics2D.BoxCast hits an angled surface
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Open the "Scenes/Main" Scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Use the r... Read more
Reversing sprite shape makes CompositeCollider2D cutout it's PolygonColl...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached project ( 2. In the SampleScene select the "Closed Sprite Shape" Game... Read more
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- ScalableBufferManager does not work correctly when MSAA and RenderGraph Compatability are enabled
- Sprite artefacts appear when Sprite Packer is enabled
- Crash on ResizeScriptingList<ScriptingObjectPtr> when passing an undeclared variable to the results parameter for GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag
- [Android] "Screen.safeArea.y" always returns values outside of the Safe Area when the device is in Portrait orientation
- Frame spike due to many TreeRenderer.TreeUpdated calls when repositioning terrains in large Scenes