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Rigidbody starts bouncing or falls through the ground when center of mas...
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download and open project "". 2) Play "Main Scene" . 3) Select "Offset Cube Parent" in H... Read more
Physics.IgnoreCollision causes spurious TriggerExit and TriggerEnter events
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open ExtraTriggerExit project. 2. Open "MainScene" scene. 3. Go to play mode --Notice that Console printed wh... Read more
Grammar mistake in the RigidBody's Error message
How to reproduce: 1. Open the "SampleScene" Scene in the attached "MinimalRepro" Project 2. Enter Play Mode Actual Behaviour: The E... Read more
Turning off and turning on game object with Cloth Component in play mode...
How to reproduce: 1. Open "repro" project 2. Enter "test" scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Turn off "Cube" in the inspector 5. Turn on "... Read more
Crash in CalculateObjectBounds while entering the playmode if GameObject...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "ReproProject1" project and "Repro" scene 2. Enter playmode Expected result: Scene starts p... Read more
Function 'AddForceAtPosition' influences Rigidbody.MovePosition and Rigi...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Open the scene 'TestPhys'; 3. Ensure 'Impulse' on TestController ('Sphere' game... Read more
Rotating Rigidbodies with a constant velocity have their velocities affe...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ""; 2. Open the SceneMain; 3. Observe 3 objects in the ... Read more
Vehicle Collider can become stuck in geometry when hitting another colli...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/test plane and primitives.unity 3. Play the scene 4. Use the WSAD k... Read more
Vehicle root still rotates on a locked axis
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/test plane and primitives.unity 3. Select the FWD Vehicle gameobjec... Read more
[Wheel] A rigidbody with a high mass is not properly affected by suspens...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/test plane and primitives.unity 3. Select the FWD Vehicle gameobjec... Read more
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- Editor crashes on StoredGraphicsBuffer::GetGfxBufferID when VFX Graph property is modified during Play Mode and Application.targetFrameRate is used to limit FPS
- Crash on NVAPI_Thunk when changing Player resolution while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API
- Only one out of multiple cameras is shown in the Play Mode while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API
- The "Paste Component as New" option is incorrectly displayed as active despite the action being prohibited
- "TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS" errors are thrown when unsuccessfully importing an FBX file