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CustomPropertyDrawer of a ReorderableList with SerializeReference attrib...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Select the "Zoo" Game Object in the Hierarchy 3. Add "Dog" to... Read more
2018.2 Editor crashes with Transform::GetTransformAccess when reimportin...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "FirepowerAI" 2. Right click Project window and select "Reimport All" Expected result: E... Read more
Crash that originates in PrefabImporter::OnAssembliesLoaded()
Steps: 1. Create a New 2D Project 2. Import the attached package ("repro-package.unitypackage") 3. Various dialog boxes will pop - s... Read more
Crash when importing a specific FBX asset
How to reproduce: 1. Open a new Unity project 2. Try to import the "crash_fbx.FBX" asset Expected result: The FBX asset imports suc... Read more
[Preset] On changing properties in "Player Settings Preset Asset" change...
On changing properties in "Player Settings Preset Asset" changes reflects in Player Settings. Steps to repro: Open the attached Pro... Read more
[Preset] Opening video from video preset inspector throws null reference...
Opening video from video preset inspector throws null reference exception. Steps to repro: 1. Create a new project. 2. Drag any .mp... Read more
Armature corruption when importing FBX Binary files exported from Blende...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached ( project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. See the "legs_binary" model in Sce... Read more
GenerateSharedVerticesIndexList crashes when importing a .fbx file
To reproduce: 1. Download attached “Motion" project and open in Unity 2. Select "Data01.fbx", right-click it and press ... Read more
Asset renaming is slow until library folder is deleted
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project. Check an edit below for more information 2. Select the Canvas object in the Project... Read more
Upgrading a project from 2018.1 and below to 2019.1.0a9 fails with "pare...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open "" project Expected Result: The project opens Actual Result: The Editor ... Read more
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- Input from the "Backslash" key is not detected in the Web Player when using the Japanese 106/109 key keyboard
- High "Total" value of the "TerrainManager.CullAllTerrains" when generating terrain
- UI Layout rebuild triggered by a rounding error when using TextMesh Pro
- Sprite Shape Corners and Edges are invisible when a closed Sprite Shape is used
- Script icon Gizmos cause lag/performance issues in Scene view even when the Scene Camera is not pointed at Gizmos