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Crash that originates in PrefabImporter::OnAssembliesLoaded()

Asset - Importers


1. Create a New 2D Project
2. Import the attached package ("repro-package.unitypackage")
3. Various dialog boxes will pop - say yes/install to each one
4. Eventually, there will be some errors about unsafe code. In the Players settings > Other Settings > Enable "unsafe" code
5. Wait for 5 - 10 minutes

Result: Editor crashes.

Reproduced with: 2018.3.0b5
Not reproduced with: 2017.4.12f1, 2018.1.9f2, 2018.2.12f1, 2019.1.0a3.

Note: the attached package is made with Unity 2018.2.

  1. Resolution Note (2018.3.X):

    This no longer happens after a number of fixes on our main development branch (2019.1).
    However, there was a lot of scripts that did not compile out of the box on this repro project, and fixing them did not cause any further crashes.

    Another fix for bug case 1086779, which has been backported to 2018.3 is assume to fix this.

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