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Unity Editor crashes when loading soundbanks with Wwise
Reproduction steps: 1. Download the project: 2. Open the project 3. Open the scene 'Plinths 3' 4. Play scene Result: Unity Editor ... Read more
Importing/applying changes to corrupted image crashes editor
Steps to reproduce: 1. create new unity project 2. import one of the images that user has attached - crashes Not reproducible: 5.1... Read more
[Holo Toolkit]Crash when re-importing "HoloToolkit" assets
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open attached project. 2. Notice that the "Console" window outputs: "A default asset was create... Read more
[InitialImport] FBX file scale and asset labels gets incorrect values wh...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download attached "Import bug"(17 MB) project. 2. Make sure "Library" folder is deleted. 3. Open it. 4. Notic... Read more
Editor crashes while importing assets
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project "" and open in Unity. 2) Observe crash while importing assets.... Read more
Upgrading from 5.4.0b19 to 5.4.0b22 sets all Sprite Renderer materials t...
Reproduction steps: 1) Create new project in 5.4.0b19 2) Create new GameObject 3) Attach Sprite Renderer to it. 4) Set Sprite Ren... Read more
[Editor][OSX][Regression] NullReferenceException in PackageImportTreeVie...
Steps to repro: 1. Open Unity on OSX; 2. Open Asset Store (Window -> Asset Store); 3. Download any package; 4. Click 'Import' butto... Read more
Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll recompiled on saving a script that does no...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project I attached (; 2. Open ScriptAssemblies folder in project files. Notice... Read more
Crash in TypeTreeIterator::Children while importing project
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project "" and open in Unity 5.3.5p4 2) Observe crash. Reproduced with : 5.... Read more
Scene hierarchy is changed when importing a package in 5.4
Reproduction steps: ---------------------------- 1) Import the Daniel Copper ToyCar Game StarterKit from Asset store 2) Load the Sce... Read more
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Latest issues
- Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() freezes the Editor when releasing Mesh objects
- 16-bit Sprite Textures have a banding effect and loss of data when packing into Variant Sprite Atlas
- HDRP Cluster artifacts when having more than 100 lights
- ParticleCollisionEvent.intersection generates extremely high values when particles collide while in Play Mode
- Custom attributes are not properly converted to subgraphs