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[NET 4.6] Editor hangs when switching from Experimental to Stable Script...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Go to Player Settings 3. Switch Scripting Runtime Version in Other Setting part from St... Read more
Unity crashes/freezes when setting Render Texture size dimensions to ver...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open any project 2. Create a Render Texture 3. Set the texture dimensions to 3D 4. Set the texture size to so... Read more
Editor fails to create a new Sprite Asset from Text Mesh Pro
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new Unity project 2. Import Text Mesh Pro 3. Right click on project view 4. Navigate to Create -> Text... Read more
[iOS] Unity's profiler device memory consumption is different from consu...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new Unity project 2. Build to iOS with "Development mode" and "Autoconnect profiler" 3. Open the pro... Read more
Mixed mode lighting with progressive lightmapper adding lights twice
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached "" project 2. Observe some shadows darker than others 3. Lighter shadow objects ha... Read more
[NetworkTransform] Character position is not synced when rigibody isKine...
To reproduce: 1. Open project 2. Build and run Main scene, choose 'LAN Host' 3. Play scene in editor, select 'LAN Client' 4. Using W... Read more
Emissive lights are visible only with LOD 0
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the tester (emmisiveBug.7z) 2. Open the "Testland 1" scene 3. In the Scene view, foc... Read more
Assertion failed: 'IsNormalized(normal)' from the light culling code
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project "" and open in Unity Expected Result: In Console, no error occurs Actua... Read more
Copying from Texture2D to Texture3D at Depth other than 0 produces no te...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity Project "" 2. Load Scene "2D3DTextureCopy" 3. Enter Play mode ... Read more
Editor ignores Input from keyboard if Japanese IME is used
How to reproduce: 1. Make sure that Japanese IME is used as keyboard input language 2. Create a new Unity project 3. Change the Main... Read more
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- [Android] [Vulkan] Cubes stuck on the first few frames of rotation and application flickering when an Overlay Camera is added to the Camera Stack with MSAA enabled
- Profiling information icon does not update for Light Mode
- [Linux] Type to select functionality is missing for drop down menus
- TextMeshPro calculates Width Compression incorrectly when using certain values in the WD% field
- VFX Graph link contrasts fail WCAG guidelines