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The Unity Project from the asset store called Republique crashes
The Unity Project from the asset store called Republique crashes This is a regression. The project doesn't crash in 5.6.1 or 2017.1... Read more
[UWP] Misleading error message when trying to build&run on Windows Phone...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a new project/Open any Unity project 2. Open build settings 3. Build and run on Windows Phone (disconn... Read more
Creating a script with the same name as any of the Game Object Component...
To reproduce: 1) Create a new project 2) Select any Game Object in the Scene 3) Press on "Add Component" Button 4) Through the conte... Read more
Shift key is not producing KeyDown & KeyUp events
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user attached project (ShiftBugExample) 2. Create a Text game object (Game Object > UI > Text) 3. Attach... Read more
NavMesh selected slider changes when Voxel Size warnings appear or disap...
To reproduce: 1. Open my attached project 2. Go to Window > Navigation 3. In Opened Navigation window, go to Bake tab and click Adva... Read more
Default Camera game object uses deprecated 'GUI Layer' component
1. What happened GUI Layer component looks like became deprecated as of 2017.2, but our default Camera uses it. 2. How we can repr... Read more
Return 'Report a bug' to Help menu
1. What happened There's enough free space in the Help menu to have separate 'Report a bug' menu item. Having it there would speed u... Read more
Crashes on UsabilityAnalytics_CUSTOM_SendEvent when adding light compone...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project. 2. Open scene: Particle Test Scene 3. In hierarchy: Create Empty game object 4. In inspecto... Read more
[macOS] Close window shortcut (CMD+W) stopped working on some editor win...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open any project with 2017.2.0b1 2. Open some window that is not in the 'Windows' menu tab, e.g. 'Build Sett... Read more
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- [VFX] An error occurs when creating a subgraph after deleting an identical subgraph
- GameObjects disappear when moving away from the Camera
- Missing Behaviour warning is displayed when reloading domain in Play mode
- NullReferenceException when setting 'isTextObjectScaleStatic' to false on a disabled TextMeshPro GameObject
- Shader Stripping Custom Options disappear when exiting Play mode without reloading Domain