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[VFX] Deleting a property in Spawn System section causes editor to freeze
Deleting a property in Spawn System section of the VFX graph causes the editor to freeze Steps to repro: 1. Create anew HDRP templa... Read more
[PS4 [XboxOne] Test scene renders with NaNs
Versions tested 2020.1.0b5 + 9.0.0 (HDRP/staging) Reproducible only on: PS4, Xbox One Steps to reproduce: 1) Checkout https://git... Read more
[Input System] Bindings get cleared for other Control Scheme Actions whe...
How to reproduce: 1. Open tester-attached project ( 2. Open Controls.inputactions 3. Note that All Control Schemes c... Read more
[XR Management] Links to docs, changelog, and licenses open in local cod...
Links for docs, changelog, and licenses in the package description window are opening in the local editor rather than "Web Browser" ... Read more
[Critical] Player crashes when Disposing ComputeBuffer from Finalizer
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Build and Run it 3. Observe the crash Expected results: ... Read more
Crash on VFXParticleSystem::RenderQuadIndirectCommand right before playi...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Update or downgrade URP and VFX and close the project 3. Reopen ... Read more
[iOS] Directional lightmap compression causes lightmap artifacts
Steps to reproduce: 1. Make sure that you have iOS platform support installed 2. Download and open the attached project 3. Enable C... Read more
Layout is not valid unless the GameView is resized
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download this project Read more
URP Upgrade Material utility does not set the Alpha Clipping when Materi...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1235516" 2. Open the Test Scene and observe an object with magenta-colore... Read more
[UX] Assemblies which reference 'Moq.dll' are not referenced in Editor w...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Notice the 'type or namespace name 'Moq' co... Read more
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Latest issues
- Keywords on Material Variants aren't automatically saved when changed on original Material through Shader Graph
- Light Probes get baked when calling LightProbes.Tetrahedralize
- Shadows flicker and cause visual artifacts when modifying a GameObject's bounds using Swizzle (Y Mask) and Sine Time nodes
- [WebGL] Frame rate drops by 5-20 fps when moving cursor or touch input in the Player
- Light bleeds when using box shaped spotlight with specific Emission Range values