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Fixed in 3.2.10



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[XR Management] Links to docs, changelog, and licenses open in local code editor rather than a web browser

Package: XR Management


Links for docs, changelog, and licenses in the package description window are opening in the local editor rather than "Web Browser" from package manage window, refer attached video.

Steps to repro:
1. Create a new project
2. Windows > Package Manager > XR Management (3.2.4)
3. Click on the three links available. (Docs, ChangeLog, License)

Actual Result:
The links open up in local code editors. (Ex: Xcode in mac)

Expected Result:
The respected links open up in web browsers

Occurring on:
2020.2.0a7, 2020.1.0b5 with package version 3.2.4

Working fine on:
2020.2.0a7, 2020.1.0b5 with package version 3.0.6

Windows10 and macOS 10.14

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 3.2.10):

    Documentation links work in 3.2.10, the latest version.

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