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Fixed in 10.0.0



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[PS4 [XboxOne] Test scene renders with NaNs

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Versions tested 2020.1.0b5 + 9.0.0 (HDRP/staging)

Reproducible only on: PS4, Xbox One

Steps to reproduce:

1) Checkout (if it isn't merged yet)
2) Open HDRP_RuntimeTests project.
3) Make sure 002_HDMaterials is included into build settings
4) Make sure active camera has "Stop NaNs" enabled
5) Build and run in PS4

Expected results: Scene should be rendered correctly (check reference image)

Actual result: Scene is rendered with NaNs. On PS4 deferred camera results in more NaNs. Forward MSAA camera has less black spots. Xbox One has same results: only both cameras look identical.

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