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Terrain: trees should use the GO transform when placed on terrain
Since the Tree Creator was designed to only create trees over a certain size we need a way to be able to scale the trees after creat... Read more
AnimationState Wrap mode dropdown: "Clamp" should read "Once"
WrapMode.Once returns Clamp. Repro: 1- download, extract, and open attached project 2- select Main Camera 3- press play 4- observe ... Read more
Popup list is positioned incorrectly in Editor Window
To Reproduce: 1. Open tha attached project. 2. Go to Menu -> Popup Bug -> Open Window. 3. Select the "Second" -> "ten" subitem in th... Read more
We should collect FBX exporter errors and warning during conversion
Attached mesh looks corrupt when imported from FBX. FBX exporter gives a bunch of warnings and one error when exporting it. The erro... Read more
TextFields interfere in the editor
To Reproduce: 1. Open attached project and choose Window>Window Test 2. Click "Add Window" twice 3. Enter unique text in the six fi... Read more
Editing Layer names gives warnings prematurely
- Go to the layers pane - Edit one of the layer names. Name it '1' - Edit another. Name it '12'. - Observe that as soon as you type ... Read more
Copying but not pasting an object still modifies the level
Repro: - Select and object in the Hierarcy and press ctrl/cmd + c to copy - Open another scene Result: Save changes dialog appears... Read more
PCT images look wrong with some compression settings
After switching platform to Android, all images are converted to 256 colors (as it seems). Although the image preview says it's 16 b... Read more
Placement of parent/child gizmos
To Reproduce: 1. Create number of cubes. 2. Create an empty gameobject, and set is as parent of the cubes. 3. Select all the childr... Read more
Ugly self-shadowing on a lightmapped buit-in sphere
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project (the last one). 2. Check the bands on the built-in sphere and also the dark patches. I trie... Read more
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Latest issues
- Crash on GfxDeviceD3D12::AllocBottomLevelAccelerationStructure when using Raytracing
- The search icon in the "Searches" sections is blurry and inconsistent
- "RenderingCommandBuffer" error is thrown when switching to the tvOS platform
- Left side cog menu button is obstructed by the maximum Y value of the graph when editing a curve in the Particle System Curves
- "Property exceeds previous array size (64 vs 32)." warnings are thrown when switching from tvOS platform to a Standalone platform after restarting the Editor