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If you have multiple game views, only the latest added works with Maximi...
To reproduce 1. Open unity 2. Set the Layout to default 2 by 3 3. Set the Game View to be maximized on play 4. Add another game vie... Read more
Selecting multiple objects is not undone by clicking on originaly select...
To reproduce; 1. Create a new project 2. Add a cube to the scene 3. Add a sphere to the scene 4. Select the cube 5. Press shift and... Read more
Editor layout not being maintained.
To reproduce; 1. Load a new project a set the layout to be 2 by 3. 2. Set the game view to maximise on play 3. Play the project 4. ... Read more
Script is moved in Project structure when it fails to be added to a prefab
Steps 1) Make a prefab in a folder called Prefabs 2) Make it a real prefab by applying the Main Camera to it 3) Make a new C# script... Read more
Reverb Zones process audio in parallel with audio sources
To reproduce: - Open attached "AudioReverbZoneTest" package and load "MainScene" - Select the Main Camera where the Audio Source is... Read more
Internal compiler error when using enum cast as nullable
To Reproduce: 1. Download and open the project: 2. This line fails: int? a = (int?)ManageFriendInviteAction.Act... Read more
Color picker window moves when assigning diff colors
To Reproduce: 1. Create Particle System (or anything with a color picker) 2. Go to -> Particle Animator rollout and select a color b... Read more
Importing packages that have the same folder but different content fails...
Repro: 1) Import PackageOne.unitypackage 2) Import PackageTwo.unitypackage Result: The second package import reports that there's ... Read more
Animation Editor ignores the first key in the timeline if there are no m...
Animation Editor ignores the first key in the timeline if there are no more keys for that particular curve. e.g. I want a camera to... Read more
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Latest issues
- Keywords on Material Variants aren't automatically saved when changed on original Material through Shader Graph
- Light Probes get baked when calling LightProbes.Tetrahedralize
- Shadows flicker and cause visual artifacts when modifying a GameObject's bounds using Swizzle (Y Mask) and Sine Time nodes
- [WebGL] Frame rate drops by 5-20 fps when moving cursor or touch input in the Player
- Light bleeds when using box shaped spotlight with specific Emission Range values