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Dropdown in New Hierarchy is not sorted alphabetically
Dropdown in New Hierarchy is not sorted alphabetically. To reproduce: - Open attached project - Click on the Folder icon in Hierar... Read more
Unparenting while deleting object in Editor
When deleting an object in the Editor in 4.3, the object loses knowledge of its parent once OnDestroy is called. This was not the ca... Read more
Screen.orientation returns different value from the actual screen orient...
Screen.orientation returns different value from the actual screen orientation when "Auto-rotate screen" is disabled in Settings->Dis... Read more
Input.GetAxis() from mouse X and Y axes returns different values in stan...
In standalone and editor the returned value is in a range from -10 to 10, however on mobile devices (using the mouse) returned value... Read more
Lock view to selected doesn't work if object is resized to the outside o...
To reproduce: 1. Select object in scene view 2. Lock view to select (shift+f) 3. Resize object so that some part of it is outside of... Read more
New Hierarchy - Customized scripts break Hierarchy
New Hierarchy - Customized scripts break Hierarchy functionality Using a customized script that should only display object names th... Read more
New Hierarchy - Search by "Type" is a functionality that is difficult to...
As a user it is difficult to understand what "Types" that are supported. Maybe it would be a help if there was a dropdown like in Pr... Read more
New Hierarchy - GUI Hierarchy shows objects that are not related to GUI
New Hierarchy - GUI Hierarchy shows objects that are not related to GUI objects To reproduce: - Open attached project and launch "E... Read more
Global defines lost when switching platform
1. Start an empty project. 2. Select Windows platform. 3. Add some Scripting Define Symbols (used here are POINTCLOUD; UNIFILEBROWSE... Read more
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Latest issues
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph
- Shadow casters are not rendered when deploying builds in specific Unity 6.0 versions
- Automatically unfocuses when focusing and DropdownField is open
- Debug Draw Mode stops rendering GameObjects when GPU Resident Drawer is enabled
- Only a single Selector is added to a Container when drag and dropping multiple of them on an Element in UI Builder