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Fullscreen mode: Maximized Window functionality is broken and any built ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project and open its Player settings 2. Under the "Resolution" settings change the "Fullscreen Mod... Read more
[Deployment Management] Editor crashes on creating a build with custom I...
Editor crashes on creating a build when default Icon is assigned. Steps to repro: 1. Open the attached project. 2. File > Build Set... Read more
[Windows 7] "WindowsVideoMedia error 0xc00d36b4" error is thrown when lo...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "VideoPlayer Issue" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Enter Pla... Read more
The Cursor is visible when Cursor.visible is set to false and new InputS...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached "" project and SampleScene scene 2. Enter the Play mode 3. Keep the Cursor above ... Read more
Loading second display on 2 different monitor setups shrinks the higher ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download latest attached project("") 2. Make sure you have 2 monitors with different nat... Read more
Editor stuck on import when importing "GameAnalytics Unity SDK" package
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Download and import GA_SDK_UNITY.unitypackage from Read more
Build is launched in the wrong Display when Main Display is changed
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "Display test" 2. Check your Display settings 3. Build and Run project 4. Notice th... Read more
Cannot activate license within a docker container
Following this bug report in our forums ( Read more
Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced doesn't draw anything in build
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the user ( 2. Open the "SampleScene" scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. ... Read more
[Windows] Mouse cursor doesn't change its icon when resizing standalone ...
How to reproduce: 1. Create new Unity project 2. Select File -> Build Settings 3. Make sure that resizable window in Player Setting... Read more
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Latest issues
- Unsupported Orient modes can be selected and throw errors when using Strip VFX
- "Tab" key exits the name text field in the VFX Graph tab when renaming the Property
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph
- Shadow casters are not rendered when deploying builds in specific Unity 6.0 versions
- Automatically unfocuses when focusing and DropdownField is open