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2D Rect Mask Skews Children Instead of Rotating With Them
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open "Repro" scene 3. Select "Canvas/Mask" in the hierarchy 4. Try to rotate "Masks"... Read more
Newly created image doesn't align with layout.
Steps to reproduce (or just watch attached gif): 1. Open user's attached project. 2. In hierarchy menu select Canvas -> Modal Panel ... Read more
[5.4f2 regression] CanvasBatchIntermediateRenderer crash after certain b...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "Case" and the only scene in it. 2. Play the game. 3. Press the button o... Read more
InputField which has Text with Best Fit enabled doesn't display whole te...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open scene "Master" 3. Run scene 4. Click on input... Read more
Image and Text alignment is off by a half pixel with Pixel Perfect Canva...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ""; 2. Open the "Test" scene; 3. Make sure that the option Pixel... Read more
Deleting gameobject with ScrollView component crashes editor
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the "" project 2. Open the "Test" scene 3. Delete "Scrollbar Horizontal" gameobject in the Hierar... Read more
[InputField] Name Validation does not capitalize letters correctly with ...
To reproduce the issue follow the steps: 1. Create a new scene 2. Create a new UI Input Field 3. Set inputField contentType = InputF... Read more
[InputField] Name validation incorrectly makes first character lower cas...
To reproduce the issue follow the steps: 1. Create a new scene 2. Create a new UI Input Field 3. Set "inputField.contentType = Input... Read more
[ScrollRect] No inertia at specific position in vertical scroll mode
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project and the only scene in it. 2. Play the scene and scroll down by clicking and draggin... Read more
World Space Canvas hierarchy order affects rendering order only when Z p...
1. Open user Attached project DrawTest.unity scene 2. Change hierarchy order of Canvas "Back" and "Front" gameObjects. Notice that t... Read more
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Latest issues
- Editor crashes on StoredGraphicsBuffer::GetGfxBufferID when VFX Graph property is modified during Play Mode and Application.targetFrameRate is used to limit FPS
- Crash on NVAPI_Thunk when changing Player resolution while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API
- Only one out of multiple cameras is shown in the Play Mode while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API
- The "Paste Component as New" option is incorrectly displayed as active despite the action being prohibited
- "TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS" errors are thrown when unsuccessfully importing an FBX file