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Transform handles are lit and hidden by light source
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "point_light_linear" 3. In hierarchy select "Point light" or "Plane" and... Read more
Number shortcut for MenuItem doesn't work with numeric keypad
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open Scene View 3. Press '1(alphanumeric keyboard)' and '1(alphanumeric... Read more
"Check for Updates" does not actually find the newest version or see tha...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the registry editor(Windows) 2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Unity Technologies\Unity Editor 5... Read more
physx::SubSortQuick::sort4 crashes on project load
To reproduce: 1. Download attached project "", delete every folder that is not the Assets folder and open in Unity Expecte... Read more
.asset file types missing icon in Inspector header
Open the attached project and select TreeAsset in the Project View. Notice that it has an icon with a Unity logo on it there, but in... Read more
Changing Editor's color trough color picker causes InvalidOperationExcep...
To reproduce: 1.Download and open "" project. 2.Go to Edit->Preferences->Colors. 3.Press on any color slot ... Read more
Prefab Inspector components don't display properties instantly after res...
Reproduction Steps: 1. Open attached project. 2. Select Cube in Project view. 3. In Inspector, resize the preview pane to the top of... Read more
RenderTexture drawn into Scene View toolbar when color format is set to ...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open the scene "Scene" 3. Open the asset "WaterTexture_RT" in the folder "Art" 4. Set the ... Read more
Assert.IsNotNull fails with not null object
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the Test Runner 3. Run the Assembly-CSharp-Editor.dll -> Mygame -> Tests -> C... Read more
Using Flythrough mode, you can get out of scene view bounds
Scrolling back with a mouse there are boundaries which stops you from scrolling further. Using flythrough mode tho, you can evade th... Read more
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- Unity crashes during the scene template selection in the "Inspector" tab
- [Android] [iOS] [UnityWebRequest] Requests with "UnityWebRequest" are open for SSL Proxying
- SetWindowsHookEx does not prevent Windows key input when Editor or Player Window is focused and Active Input Handling is set to “Input System Package (New)” or “Both”
- Crash on GetEffectiveBc7TextureCompressor() when loading and unloading all Assets in the Project
- Terrain Masks do not ignore the mipmap limit