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TypeLoadException is thrown during Play Mode when different versions of ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the project in the attached "" 2. Open Assets > Sample > Scene > ServiceTest Scene 3. E... Read more
Project building fails when using EditorApplication.LockReloadAssemblies...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the Project inside of the "" 2. Build the Project as Windows 86x64 3. After the Build... Read more
Script with Mono.Cecil compiles with "Windows Store IL2CPP Scripting Bac...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project with Unity which has "Windows Store IL2CPP Scripting Backend" installed. 2. No errors, it's p... Read more
angle between identical vectors is not 0
-e: see title, calculating the angle between two identical vectors should be 0 but isn't -repro: --run scene in attached project --... Read more
TextAsset Object is still null after calling it's constructor from script
To reproduce: 1.Download and open "repro886727project". 2.Open "test" scene. 3.Enter play mode. 4.Check the console for output. Ex... Read more
Unity crashes at <Coroutine::CompareCoroutineEnumerator> because of IEnu...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Open the scene "game"; 3. Enter Play mode; 4. Pass the logo screen and start cl... Read more
Changes via Inspector are not saved to a .asmdef asset when it is marked...
How to reproduce: 1. Create and open a new project 2. Create a new assembly definition file in the Project Browser 3. Mark the file ... Read more
RuntimeInitializeOnLoad methods are called multiple times when using def...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Build and Run to Standalone 3. Close the Build 4. Op... Read more
[iOS] Script Performance decrease in Unity 5.6 (compared to 5.4)
Both OpenGL and Metal are affected. The scene runs slower on the same target device. Steps: 1. Build and Run Development build on i... Read more
Editor freezes on Application.Reload when converting Float to ULong
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's project 2. Open the "SampleScene" scene 3. Enter the Play Mode Reproducible with: 2020.3.34f... Read more
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- Red spots appear when Blending Lighting Scenarios using Adaptive Probe Volumes
- [Windows] About Unity Window needs to be opened twice to adapt to resolution
- NullReferenceException and temporary graph corruption after entering playmode if output node connection was changed
- Sprite Renderer with Animation does not reflect Sprite changes in the Scene when switching Mask Interaction
- User is redirected to a non-existing online documentation link when clicking on "?" help button inside Inspector window while Animator Override Controller is selected